
Bladerunner had an *optimistic* view on LA?

UTIs exist because sex in all its forms is Satan’s dirty, disgusting, and evil work and treatment should not be covered by insurance because women will continue to be promiscuous if they can get easy treatment.

The Pentagon is going to look like an especially tacky episode of MTV’s Cribs.

HAHAHAHA. Enjoy being 29!!!! Seriously. Also, funny you mentioned “strokes.” I had one at age 37 out of nowhere. Was fit and athletic and healthy. Had never seen the inside of an ambulance before that, had only been to the ER twice, for a cut finger and a UTI, and even then it was only the ER because the town I lived

If Nunes is a marionette for Trump and Trump is a puppet for Putin, or metaphor needs updating.

Don’t wanna toot my own horn...but also a “bigger” and “fitter” guy than most who isn’t a fighter.

Can confirm the majority of people we come across in our day-to-day lives are purely talk and will not do anything. If in the off chance they do do something, defend yourself and then call the cops afterwards. Fuck ‘em if

If my marriage ever breaks up, it will be due to my leaving one too many tissues in my pockets.

I can’t help but feel like if this had happened when Obama was president no one would bat an eye or complain about it.

Windows 7 called. . .

Eat shit, snowflake.

Unless you count the planes that they launched. You know, their entire function...

Those Navy/Marine pilots who flew over Vietnam must be surprised.

Your definition of “used in battle” is fairly exclusionary of the last 70+ years of carrier history, and their air-wing’s contributions to the Korean, Vietnam, Cold, and Gulf wars... not to mention GWOT. But don’t let that get in the way of your narrative.

You could go to various articles by Sophie Kleeman - many linked to by Michael in this article - for more details about her work at Yahoo! if you don’t care to hear about Marissa Mayer from him. Sophie is pretty much equally - if not more - dismissive of her, if you haven’t noticed.

Thank you for bringing such a germane perspective to the comments on this particular article. What the actual fuck does this have to do with the article? Or are your poor, downtrodden men’s rights aching right now?

Here in philly, usually around mid August, there is a lovely phenomena that my wife and I call “hot garbage rain”. It’s usually caused by a quick downpour on an oppressively humid day, where instead of washing the streets of the grime and detritus it only seems to amplify the disgustingness of the city. I can only

Trust you libs to spin Trump’s success as failure. He managed to get China to cut 500,000 jobs. Jobs that are coming back! Go Trump!

He is also going to be running around in disguises to trick leakers(I know it isn’t relevant I just really like posting this photo)