
I wonder how many times he yelled “pew pew pew!” while directing the battle scenes.

Feral Hog and Boar are not beer and buddies hunt items like deer.

I can’t believe Trump would allow a program to poison Steve Bannon’s entire extended family.. is available. I think it has a certain zany appeal.

It’s almost as if making a profoundly ignorant, narcissistic blowhard with major impulse control issues POTUS was a bad idea.

“As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the Earth and increase upon it.”

Bannon, like O’Reilly, has passed lapsed and is barreling into heresy. Funny how two “staunchly Catholic-Americans” suddenly find fault with Il Papa once we get one who doesn’t fully reinforce their existing world-views. Assholes like them worship at the altar of the self, first and foremost.

Much of this fear would likely be informed by his staunchly Catholic beliefs.

Wearable technology isn’t of interest anywhere.

But we’ve always been at war with East Freedonia.

Defeated and unwilling to hand over the damaged sub to the British, the commander of the U-581 ordered the crew to skidaddle, and deliberately sank the sub.

Vaccines are already safe and efficient. There is actual science behind that. It was never questioned, except by anti vaxxers. What he just did is to try to kill our vaccine program.

How are you comparing a random person’s point of view on something changing to a person being put in charge of vaccine safety believing in a throughly debunked and damaging study?

Nice to know that if the choking smog, contaminated water, unsafe consumer products, oil spills, exploding trains, and nuclear holocaust don’t kill us, we can look forward to dying from smallpox.

appointing a noted anti-vaxxer and conspiracy theorist to lead a team responsible for “vaccine safety and scientific integrity” is a very, very dumb thing to do.

Had Elizabeth run I could have cast a vote for a nationalist, a populist, a thoughtful and honorable person who carries with her no sense of superiority or pretension. She is noble in her actions and usually in her words. Hell, she wrote a personal finance book that is still working its way through my mind.

So either Trump is following Putin’s lead because this is his role model on world stage or he is insecure that Putin has a bigger dick than him.

Please stop this horseshit that maintaining our aging weapons is the same as escalation. Before long you are just going to have to accept Trump is a reckless moron. False equivalency won’t save you.

That's unfair to the French. Outside of Serbia, France had the highest military casualty rate of the war. The Nivelle Offensive failed to win the war like Nivelle had promised and pushed France's total war deaths over a million. At that point the troops got fed up. The socialists among them were internationalist