If however you do fuck up and start panicking like I do usually, just burn the car down. There, no more need to restore anything.
If however you do fuck up and start panicking like I do usually, just burn the car down. There, no more need to restore anything.
That technique just sort of skips the middleman where I put it into the engine before it leaks all over the place. Probably prevents rust too.
I will have to give it some thought.
Don’t sleep in. As a matter of fact, I get up even earlier than when I usually do for work. Then your weekend doesn’t just seem longer, it is longer. Plus, don’t do the usual stuff on weekends, stuff like grocery shopping, cutting the grass, you know, chores. It’s so mundane and robot like. Go to stores (not grocery),…
That’s really great about us Americans donating so much to charity. And you’re certainly not wrong about freeloaders because they definitely suck, but those who sincerely need the help likely outweighs the freeloaders. You’re NEVER going to be able to avoid helping those who don’t deserve it without harming those who…
Know what will cost you a lot more than your insurance covering IUDs?
Child support.
HAHAHAHA. Enjoy being 29!!!! Seriously. Also, funny you mentioned “strokes.” I had one at age 37 out of nowhere. Was fit and athletic and healthy. Had never seen the inside of an ambulance before that, had only been to the ER twice, for a cut finger and a UTI, and even then it was only the ER because the town I lived…
Don’t wanna toot my own horn...but also a “bigger” and “fitter” guy than most who isn’t a fighter.
Can confirm the majority of people we come across in our day-to-day lives are purely talk and will not do anything. If in the off chance they do do something, defend yourself and then call the cops afterwards. Fuck ‘em if…
If my marriage ever breaks up, it will be due to my leaving one too many tissues in my pockets.
Windows 7 called. . .
Unless you count the planes that they launched. You know, their entire function...
Those Navy/Marine pilots who flew over Vietnam must be surprised.
Your definition of “used in battle” is fairly exclusionary of the last 70+ years of carrier history, and their air-wing’s contributions to the Korean, Vietnam, Cold, and Gulf wars... not to mention GWOT. But don’t let that get in the way of your narrative.
When the topic of 1990s Japanese performance cars comes up, we as car enthusiasts tend to beat the proverbial dead…
Had Elizabeth run I could have cast a vote for a nationalist, a populist, a thoughtful and honorable person who carries with her no sense of superiority or pretension. She is noble in her actions and usually in her words. Hell, she wrote a personal finance book that is still working its way through my mind.
He HAS put the criminal elites on notice. He’s appointed them to his Cabinet and told them to get ready to go nuts.
Who are the criminal elite? That’s a new one. Are they lizards or Jews?
Siding with the Russians? You some sorta fuckin’ communist?
Today, Google is delivering its annual I/O keynote live in California. On top of the usual excitement, this keynote…
This is the second deliberately-ignorant Cattelan-bashing piece on Gawker Media within a week. I hope GM fully realises that this is a perpetuation of exactly the same type of wilfully “my ignorance is as good as your informed perspective” genre of non-thought that your writers ascribe to Trump supporters.