saying things like “there are too many tourists” at all makes you part of the problem, tbh
saying things like “there are too many tourists” at all makes you part of the problem, tbh
I like it, it looks like the old Defender Roadster concept car LR did years ago.
Pffff, dude. That is absurd. Try buying one of that generation’s Rangers today. I managed to find one out of state at the beginning of the pandemic after scouring my area and seeing the few that came up gone in a day. It’s probably with 30-40% more than what I paid for it now, because nobody makes anything like the…
My grandfather wanted one, but since they don’t sell them here in the U.S., he bought a single cab F150 instead, but it is too big for his needs.
Me? Hell will freeze over before I get a 4 door truck with no bed.
Ford still sells a Ford Ranger Single Cab. It’s called the Ford Ranger Single Cab
Hot Damn. Saucer separation complete, Captain.
Pointed a knife inside a closed car. Must be some magic knife he could have thrown through the glass.
he instead produced a weapon and pointed it at an armed police officer
Sadly never sold in the US.
Those are neat, but I imagine since there’s no Skoda in the US, few of the commenters would have thought of that
If you wanna beat my Hummer, you gotta get in my Benz.
I’m sorry to say that it is absolutely a Defender. Says so on the badge.
American team loses on a global platform (pick one, USWMNT a recent example) and Republicans cheer.
Maybe we lost to Sweden because we're not woke enough.
Ford Escort:
It seems as if society has moved to a point where many women think that their feelings are massively important and always valid. Sometimes they share them with the world, expecting empathy and vindication, only to find that the world thinks completely differently.
If he’s speaking the truth that she has commented on minimal weight gain on his part, then to hell with her lard ass.