Ratcliffe was very outspoken pro-Brexiteer who wanted to build a British icon in Britain by British people. He was going to build the factory in Wales and then things went back and fourth, then Brexit actually happened (as he wanted), prices went up a little, etc.. etc.. then this factory in France came up, he still…
And the U.S. gets told we in the U.K. pay high taxes.
Nah, thanks anyway (though I do quite fancy moving to Oz or maybe somewhere across the ditch if I had the money).
My docs went from two receptionists, six doctors and several nurses to eight doctors on one site, about six receptionists and as many nurses practitioners as doctors and have a satellite practice with about the same again. My step fathers GP practice is useless but has dozens of doctors, nurse practitioners and other…
Jesus. As my wages fall in the tax free allowance bracket I don’t pay any Income Tax or National Insurance (healthcare).
Bloody hell.
Are you in the U.S.?
What boggles my mind is they decry socialised healthcare as the devil but happy to pay ridiculous premiums for a policy that may payout or not but either way has an out of pocket, etc...
While stealing from hungry children, also very likely due to the shortage of formula, profiteering off the greatly inflated price they sell it to parents desperate enough to pay it to get formula for their children.
Elizabeth did not oversee the decolonization inasmuch as she watched as former colonies fought for self determination and took freedom for themselves.
Ye’. The Queen oversaw the transition from empire to Commonwealth of Nations. The Commonwealth a group of nations of equal standings, voluntarily members, each helping the other economically, etc... So like some ‘active colonialist’, but the opposite.