It’s not winning or losing, or even defending Her Majesty or the chef.
It’s not winning or losing, or even defending Her Majesty or the chef.
Ye’, sure if you were offered a burger and it arrived without the bun, most people wouldn’t have the same thing in their minds HOWEVER, if that is what was asked for, then yes it would.
It’s one of those things your partner gets an idea to do, then you shoot it down due to cost, then it starts many lines of discussion about finances and that they want a new bathroom suite, though the kitchen usually comes first for big expense remodeling and bedrooms, living room and dining room get titivated here…
I didn’t intend to come across as pedantic.
No worries.
It’s a really night bit of meat, slightly sweeter in taste.
We use both interchangeably okay.
Bathroom furniture sends to be sold in sets really, yes we have a vast range of sinks, but the vast majority don’t want to trail around places, going through catalogues and websites to find on, just wait to you get the finances to do a whole bathroom remodel and do it then. But bathrooms tend to fall behind other…
Ye’, Scotland is a wide an open land, far less populated than England and has vast areas for game to roam.
In the U.K. we get it from Americans as when we use imperial (proper imperial, not U.S. Customary Units) use stone in weight.
The lack of mixer taps? Well, that’s just them being obstinate.
or asda.
Lidl also sell Highland Game venison from Dundee, as do many other supermarkets.
What always gets me is the number or ‘resisting arrests’ out number the arrests.
But I and M are pretty much the same thing, I-Interstate, M-Motorway.
Yes, we do it for motorways, ‘A’, ‘B’, etc... roads, many will have names too.