
Europeans wanting a Honda that isn’t a Civic for young to middle age or Jazz (Fit) for older people are few. The CR-V and HR-V don’t sell particularly well.

Mandatory inspections aren’t a threat to car culture and low income livelihoods, the opposite.

The other thing is many European homes don’t have parking next to their house. The parking could be some distance away from the property, they could live in a terrace house (like me) where you park where you can get parked on the street, it could be outside the front of your house, it could be 20-30+ metres down the


We’ll get it in the U.K.

Will there be a Golf R estate?

Now playing

While you can apply for U.K. citizenship after five years.

Thankfully, our love of curries means naans are never hard to find.

If I’m going sweet, fat and salty I go for a maple syrup bacon naan.

Bacon butty, pasty and a cup of tea.

There are few things better than a chip butty.

No, were okay with that. Lol. 

Pickled eggs are a classic British and Irish food stuff and work well with fish and chips.

Not any more. Some idiots complained that it’s unhealthy during the pandemic, yes, the stores have hand sanitiser as you enter the building, yes they have toilet facilities where you can wash your hands, indeed they even have little sachets containing a towelet to clean your hands, hell, yes, you still even use your

KFC don’t do ‘biscuits’ here in the U.K.

KFC don’t do those over here. 

Squished peas’!?

Lol. My Skoda’s colour in called Beige Champagne Metallic.

It’s way over complicating a simple and tasty food. Warm the roll, butter fry four thick cut bacon rashers (I love bacon),

These wedge shaped designs were seen as quite futuristic back in the day with most cars either being understated and gentlemanly or classically curved and elegant.