I thought the Fun, was well, fun.
I thought the Fun, was well, fun.
I knew it was 97, but saw on wiki 99. Lol.
The mid-nineties to the end of the nought-ies were an interesting time for cars in Europe.
I thought they came out on 1997, but according to wiki they came out in 1999. So if your in the U.S., they won’t be eligible for import for another four year. They are getting rarer and rarer as they get older but as we found with another person on here, the prices have gone up quite a bit in the last year for the…
I haven't looked at prices for them for about a year. They were at £600 to £2,500 for a good one then.
My bad, I wasn't sure which way you were going.
If you watch between 1:11 and 1:15. You’ll see the guy fold the seat base down from behind the front seats.
The duck ones and runny ones usually come out at christmas, valentines, etc... The black pudding ones are sporadic as they aren’t big sellers.
This was one of the videos with the more bearable music added, in my quick search. Lol.
The best part is how easy it is to convert.
The car or the colour?
This one was used but only lasted about a fortnight on TV as it was taken down due to complaints.
I can remember about 20 years ago, in a small fully enclosed car park, a white one of these was parked about five or six cars away from my friend’s Ford Fiesta Mk 1.0 Popular Plus. We walked past it and I took some admiring glances and as I shut the door on my friend’s Fiesta, the TVR started up, there was a little…