
I think the cops are happy to be on camera. It gives them video clips to share with their fellow goons in the squad house while they daydream about murdering Black people.

And, of course, they don’t care because they know they’re immune to anything resembling justice.

This is war. Whether you like it or not, whether we fight it peacefully and without weapons, it is a war nonetheless. It’s a pathetic and reckless last ditch attempt by a dying breed to cement their grasp on the future and crush it. They have no hope of winning, not here, not now. The best weapon we have, is progress.

Note as well.

From where do you get the notion that it has ever been anything but what it is now? I wouldn’t call the nation as a whole ‘despicable’, but its love affair with frontier-style justice and macho fetishism goes as deep as slavery, and that has never been otherwise. Call it a horrific quirk; most nations have a few. Of

The US really has become a despicable country. 

How does it feel to be such a huge asshole?

No it is absolutely NOT legal in any state to intentionally run someone over. The laws just made it harder to sue someone. If you just decide to run someone over and kill them when you could have avoided it, you’re still guilty of, at least, vehicular manslaughter, but likely 2nd degree murder.

This is terrible.

It’s almost impressive at how they’ve to managed to make it both bland *and* hideous. Typically those two descriptors would be at odds with each other, as something would have to deviate from the flat, inoffensive bland in order to be ugly, but they’ve pulled it off here.

On one hand, the nose is

Sorry let me clear that up. All law enforcement employees in the United States are full on garbage. I don’t need to point out the atrocities committed by the “bad” or “worse than usual” ones. But it should be pointed out how even the “good” ones wont step up and do a thing to root out the evil.

Anyone who has ever interacted with US Police knows their mentality, but these protests are really letting them show their true colors.

Those good cops out there right now are the same police who look the other way at racism and extrajudicial killings.

If they really wanted to keep the peace and protect the city they would turn in all the bad ones.

Might want to reconsider the one about not bringing weapons. Some guys brought guns to the Michigan statehouse on May 14th (Remember how much fun we all had laughing at them!), and today they got almost everything they wanted.

Honestly, I’m fed up with everything...this pandemic has made me seriously despise people to the point where I want them seriously dead.

If the cops ever take me out like Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Sandra Bland, et al. I want and give full permission for people to riot and loot as many corporate chain stores as possible and burn as many police stations as they can all throughout the nation, in the my name and in the name of justice. I want people to

Love, respect, and solidarity to those rising up in Minneapolis, LA, Memphis, and all over this miserable country. If you want to help bail out those arrested, please contribute here:

nah, it’s simpler than that.

This is a very nuanced opinion.  “I am generally pro-death penalty, but I am also pro-death penalty in this instance as well.”

A certain group has been working hard the last few decades to dismantle government and make the point that it is not effective by killing it from the inside. Now this is clearly showing how successful they have been. Every time I go out to pick up groceries or something (which is not frequently at all) I’m shocked

First of all, I don’t believe your user name.