
Republicans already show up to vote. They just need their righteous indignation fired up once in a while.

They believe they are persecuted for their faith not only when they don’t get their way, exactly, but also whenever they experience even a slight headwind in getting their way. Because Satan.

Trump has said some pretty gross stuff about Harry’s mother, Diana. I HIGHLY doubt he’d have even semi-positively opined to his gf’s dad about Trump based on everything known about Trump and Harry. He may have said something non-commital in answer to a direct question which Markle chose to construe as he did- for 15

Correction: her WHITE family is trash. You don’t see her mom out there milking her connection to British royalty.

Even if he fully supported Trump and/or Brexit there is literally no way in hell I believe Harry would talk about it with a man he barely knows, I don’t care who that man’s daughter is. Not happening...not today, not tomorrow, not ever and anyone “reporting” on it should know that too. It’s too bad that this man

Depends on how much I like the job

You are so right. Walking home—that is, existing in public—is exactly like jumping into shark infested waters with a bloody foot. Thank you for your excellent and non-sexist reasoning.

No matter how a man murders us, it’s our own faults.

Also, Brad Pitt really doesn’t look like that anymore. He actually looks more like a hippie version of the guy on the left.

Explanation #3: It’s because he’s still madly in love with Jen, of course. Who is pregnant with his baby.

Hey, he’s not Brad Pitt, but I wouldn’t kick him out of bed, either.

This made me chuckle. I don’t know why but those little anecdotes are gettin’ real so your grandparents who were probably waiting to have sex until marriage and it was the 40s got married a few weeks in and then just put up with any possible red flags because divorce was frowned upon back then. Cool

Every single notion deserves polite discourse? Outdated racial theories? Eugenics? Come on, offensively dumb shit doesn’t deserve the respect polite language gives it.

No, this is the reason we’re in this situation- by giving equal platforms to ignorant opinions.

Ok, and there are some scientists who don’t believe humans have any discernible impact on climate change.

This is academia, “A place where deep and lasting collegial bonds are formed, where mentors and protégés can become close friends and where young lives are transformed by a galvanic encounter with knowledge and their own latent capabilities,” as Laura Miller wrote in a 2015 essay for the New Republic

It galls me beyond words that the subject of this article (the offender, anyhow) is an English professor; I’ve known more than a few folks in my line of work who’ve crossed the student/professor divide, but every time I read about it, it irks me to no end.

It is incredibly sad just how weak some of the protections are

According to the anti-vaccine dumb fucks this never happened. And as for eliminating polio? Not true, they just renamed it to Guillain-Barre Syndrome/MS/Bell’s Palsy/whatever.

“What is going on with this anti-science movement?”

I always liked this quote, from one of our Founding Fathers, no less (since anti-vax sentiment is quite old, really):