Bateman’s conflict avoidant mansplaining apologia is unfortunately super familiar to me. So is his humble heartfelt apology. And so is the part when a week, a month, a year from now he says or does some other shit that makes it perfectly clear he didn’t learn nearly as much from this as he’ll give himself credit for.
a decent apology but I’m still a little...
Jeffrey Tambor is 73 FUCKING YEARS OLD! How much more damn time does he need in order to learn/grow into a person who behaves in a respectful and professional manner?
I thought she looked gorgeous. the dress was more architectural than froufrou.(Also, I bet it was waaay prettier in person than in pictures and the veil was so intricate it was meant to set off the dress). It was a bold choice that really fit her style and was stunning. It wasn’t skin-tight but damn, she had to stand…
Or, you could try to be a decent guy from the get-go, lower your standards to non-supermodel, non-genius virgins (like women have had to), and then get laid. Oh, I’m sorry, you wanted a way to force women above your pay grade to sleep with you? Oops. My bad.
He is easily baited/triggered on Twitter. He argued with a bot of Zizek at one point.
I said this some where else but his theory is proven correct by the total lack of violence towards women who are involved in long term and or married relationships. Yep, he nailed that one.
They’re basically thinking at the level of an adult chimpanzee, but they consider themselves geniuses.
Agreed. God forbid any of three prime specimens have to date an uggo.
“I read Betty Friedan’s book because I was very curious about it, and it’s so whiny, it’s just enough to drive a modern person mad to listen to these suburban housewives from the late ’50s ensconced in their comfortable secure lives complaining about the fact that they’re bored because they don’t have enough…
One of the things I find so challenging about men like this is that they think they’ve got it figured out, that they’re operating on a higher plane, but really, their intellectual development is so stunted by their entitlement and misplaced rage that they have the intellectual capacity of a four year old who’s been…
What I find interesting is that this is the only area where he seems to prioritize “collective good” over “individual freedom”. In every other context, he says that if you need something (healthcare, a job, etc.) it’s on you to get it and it’s not society’s responsibility to guarantee that you have it. But when it…
What makes me angry about the entire “incel” thing - outside of the obvious entitlement and objectification of women - is that these assholes claiming that women are just picking high-status men are the same assholes who won’t date “beneath them.” It’s not that they CAN’T get laid. They just don’t want any woman who…
It’s just enough to drive a modern person mad to listen to these incels from the internet area ensconced in their comfortable secure lives complaining about the fact that they’re discriminated against because they don’t have enough sex. It’s like, Jesus get a hobby. For Christ’s sake, you — you — ”
Louis was there! And, because I can’t separate television from reality, I was SCREAMING about it. They all entered together. Louis and Gina Torres seemed to arrive solo (she separated from Laurence Fishburne earlier this year/late last year). She had a fedora-type hat and a red and grey patterned dress with long…
That photo of Kitty Spencer looks like something off the cover of a romance novel. She is stunning.
Never forget all the “leftist, progressive” journalists who were caught praising and egging on Milo in his leaked emails along with white supremacists and neo-Nazis.
Conservatives in October 2016: It’s just locker room talk!
Conservatives in April 2018: This lady comedian is so vulgar!