
The entire maternal side of Meghan’s family seems to be managing just fine without turning into a salty, thirsty, embarrassing hot mess.

I feel bad for her too. Fucking NOBODY deserved a father like Markle’s. Everything I’ve seen from/about him says “manipulative gaslighting shitbag.” I mean, can you FUCKING IMAGINE having one of your presumably-beloved children get married to a public figure ... and then you start staging photo ops and giving

I hope every child who ever died of polio or measles haunts her ass for the rest of her days.

Probably just the ghost of an unvaccinated child.

I like to think that if he doesn’t, he will accidentally slip up and say During the collusion between me n Russia...

How do you misspell something you obsess over every waking moment?!?

Sterling K Brown was nominated for guesting on Nine-Nine. Is that because it was an amazing episode of television (it was!) or because they just always nominate Sterling for anything he does (which is fine, because he’s always GREAT!)?

I really thought the actor who plays Kevin was going to get nominated for guest star. The episode where he goes with Jake into protective custody is one of my season favorites.

Nothing for Brooklyn Nine-Nine? Come on. If nothing else, Andre Braugher should be at the top of the list (or, well, second because of the whole alphabet thing).

If national treasure Tituss Burgess loses again to a half-assed impression of our shitass president — whose mannerisms are so mortifyingly brutish and childlike that everyone and their mother can imitate them just as well as first-rate dunce Alec Baldwin then I will lose my shit. I’ll go Lemonading.

if Bobby goes, I go.

I totally agree with you and with Congressman Waters, and that was the entire point of the article. You (and she in the original comment) are not calling on people to throw things at Trumpers, or assault them, or batter them. I would go one further and say, it would be best if we didn’t curse at them while confronting

The Democratic party leadership has done a lot of grandstanding about being nice over the past several years. It has become eye roll inducing, not only because it is not expected of GOP leadership whatsoever, but because it is often coupled with false equivalence and condescending finger wagging.

Have you seen Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan? Remember Boehner and Cantor?

Democrats are so out of touch they don’t even realize that there is no legislative or judicial or executive path out of this for the foreseeable. There’s a zero percent chance (it is in fact mathematically impossible) of winning a supermajority in the senate for impeachment, so Trump is staying his full term. The

Being civil, turning the other cheek, staying respectful, etc. are elements of the same, naive, ridiculous aspiration of the Left: as long as we stay true to our values, advocate for equality, and stay civil, everything will turn out in our favor because we were the better person.

Maxine Waters was not saying “beat up people from the administration,” she was saying when you see people from the administration, don’t wait to fully organize an action — make your voice heard in that moment. Don’t make life convenient and peaceful for them, give them the same respect they give to immigrants, asylum

Right? Transfer that to any other situation. Bookstore employee who sells law books goes to the court and starts dictating what laws should be invoked. Imagine a vegetarian cashier at a grocery store refusing to sell meat because they think the meat industry is immoral and the customer should eat more vegetables

People who think their feelings are more important that providing healthcare to a person should not work in healthcare in any capacity.

The reasons for wanting a legally prescribed medication should not matter. Yes, this situation is particularly tragic because the woman wanted a child and the fetus died and she needed to abort. about a situation involving a woman who doesn’t want to have a child and needs to abort a viable fetus? The