I do not believe for A SECOND that all of those girls are 19, 20 as their official records state. They literally look like prepubescent children.
I do not believe for A SECOND that all of those girls are 19, 20 as their official records state. They literally look like prepubescent children.
I've actually been pretty worried about this - that in the debates, Clinton will come onstage with facts and reasonable talking points and then Trump will just spew out a bunch of verbal farting and the audience will cheer and cheer. I mean, who wants to listen to boring, ol' policy talk when Trump can stammer out all…
What amuses me the most about the Clinton scaremongering is that it’s coming from people who absolutely worship Ronald Reagan, who really did suffer from a neurological condition (alzheimer’s) while in office and hide it from the public. I’m sure every single of one these people would retroactively defend Reagan’s…
An excellent point. Imagine going to someone and telling them: “My husband accused me of fucking Billy Bob Thornton, then cut off his fingertip and began painting with his own blood”. You wouldn’t sound totally sane.
i believe amber to the point that i think amber is going easy on johnny tbh
My favorite ever discription of Channing Tatum: “He looks like a thumb.”
TROY: Are you sure?
ABED: Yeah, I’m fine.
TROY: F-I-N-E or F-Y-N-E? [To Britta and Annie] We made one of them a code for “Not Fine.”
TROY: Okay, he’s fine. Let’s go.
I was there too. Something about the phrase “Fuck Fest” screams “orgy!” to me, for some reason.
For some reason I expected a love triangle to be part of the story and now I'm disappointed. This is like freshmen year roommate level of intrigue.
I have no idea if Broaddrick’s allegations are true or not, but her story is credible enough, and should be treated with sensitivity and seriousness.
Oh I have. Telling someone who has expressed an anxiety to “get over it”, is my pet peeve. Problems are relative and everyone is entitled to their own. Good luck with your job search!
No need to be mean to candy-pants. People are allowed to feel how they feel. Minimizing his or her feelings is not very kind. I’m glad you feel that life angst is “not a big deal” for you, but being snarky to another commenter who’s obviously not feeling great about themselves is cruel.
I just want to thank you for writing this. I literally just had a meltdown about an hour ago on my mom’s couch because I feel like I’m still so dependent on my parents in so many ways when I should be completely independent and “being an adult.” I am 24. I’ve been a high school teacher since I graduated college two…
The baby will just be crying for those ten minutes, nonstop. A baby’s needs and its wants are the same thing. Crying is their only form of communication, and they don’t understand waiting because they don’t understand time. So the baby won't starve, but you can't explain that to him, because he's a baby.
I heard on the BBC that Ledecky now owns the 13 fastest times ever in the 800m event. Which is great for her, but if she were that dominant in track and field, she’d probably be getting gender tested.
When your immediate take on a situation is “she’s a liar; she leaked the tape” and not “holy shit he’s a violent drunken asshole,” that’s what I mean by giving him a pass.
Yes, the most important thing is whether she leaked the video, not the pattern of behavior the video displays. I wish I was a famous, rich, and attractive (to many) man, imagine what I could get away with!!
Well, but honestly, so what?
I was just reading some comments about the Depp/Heard story on other sites and I’ve concluded that a video could emerge of Johnny Depp repeatedly punching Amber Heard in the face, and the internet would still declare her to be a gold digger who deserved it.
So fucking depressing.