
I work out an awful lot, but I turn tomato red within 2 minutes of running. I can’t tell you how many times I’d be stopped at a light and someone would shout out of their car “Are you okay?!”

Luna Simone is a beautiful name.

I’m with you on the red tomato face - but I sweat, too. Not fair if you get to trade one for the other, lol.

There’s nothing I love more than starting a Friday off with great news about celebrity couples, and there’s nothing h

Co-signed. I’m a writer. I like tight, specific poetry. It ~seems~ like Taylor’s pop is ordinary, mundane song craft that anyone could come up with—that’s how good it is. She makes it seem easy.

The criticism I always here of her is that she’s making the same movie over and over. As if Adam Sandler, Will Ferrell and every other male comedian ever didn’t do that exact same thing.

Has Matt Damon weighed in on this casting issue yet?

I’m getting married at the end of the summer and this person sounds bitter as fuck. There will be no bridesmaids/groomsmen, no bachelorette, no gauntlet of bullshit events for our wedding. Weddings don’t have to be stressful nightmares. It’s pretty laughable that someone that got married straight out of college now

I’m no music scholar. But at an intellectual level, I think she’s got an incredibly deft gift for writing lyrics that - while simple-sounding - consistently evokes imagery that manages to be both emotionally evocative and incredibly linguistically precise... while also conforming to an invisible but arduous rhyme

This seems like a total non-issue, given the picture you’ve included there from the bride’s instagram, which she’s unlikely to have posted if she was pissed about it.

Swift is super famous, super busy, and this interview probably took 20 minutes. If the bride didn’t give a fuck, why does anyone else? Also, as someone

I can only imagine there’s a good story there. Like maybe Jason let Fat Paul and the Blonde Bitch in the bar one night because it was slow and the owner wasn’t around. Then the owner showed up to show off his bar to some Ginger he was hoping to bang and got pissed off that Paul and the Blonde were there. He was like

So why is daycare so expensive? Commercial insurance? Licensing costs? Because it’s definitely not labor.

Megan Trainor and sketchers is weirdly perfect. Both are mildly irritating, but you learn to half tolerate if you work in food service long enough; both are things you forget about until you walk by an outlet mall in the suburbs.

Okay I’m not gonna lie I didn’t get this until you pointed it out and now I’m a little embarrassed. It was right there!

Guy with a Masters in Special Education and 17 years working with children with severe autism here: 1. Fuck you DeNiro, you degenerate piece of garbage. 2. The causes of autism are widely accepted as a mess of disparate factors.....the age of the father, a heightened level of testosterone in the mother, genetics ( a

In the words of Tina Fey (who sometimes gets it right) in her Prayer of a Mother For Its Daughter: “Let her be beautiful, but not damaged - for it is the damage that attracts the creepy softball coach, not the beauty.”

The real problem is that we allow girls to go to school at all! With their boobs and legs and various holes that could be’s a recipe for disaster.