
My best friend, a white woman, got dreadlocks way before we were woke on cultural appropriation (in high school of course), and she actually didn’t look terrible in them. But when we both learned about cultural appropriation she started the process of brushing them out that week because she felt so shitty about them.

Last week one of the girls from Teen Mom made headlines when she had her hair styled into dreadlocks. As soon as there was an outcry that this was cultural appropriation the masses of the internet came out to say there’s no such thing as cultural appropriation/ she was just admiring black culture/ PC culture has

When I was in junior high Robert Clary, an actor (Hogan’s Heros) and a French survivor of the Holocaust came to speak. A couple of kids thought it would be funny to draw on mustaches. Robert, who could see them clearly from the small stage said nothing, didn’t call it to the attention of the teachers or principal who,

Ah, the good old “she was mature for her age” chestnut.


Groooooooooosssss. Ughhhh. How would you ever be able to look at your dad again knowing he started “dating” your mom when she was just barely a teen and he was a fully grown adult!

It’s the insult I fucking love to receive.

I don’t think they’re full-on satire. They kind of drift across the absurdist humor line a lot. I love them. How can you not love this?

Wait, there are rumors that Louis Tomlinson’s baby is fake? I’m into this.

I think the violence is fine, when it’s called for. I don’t mind battle scenes or sword fights or anything. It’s more the stuff that seems like it’s there for shock value, like stabbing Talisa in the stomach a billion times, or the unnecessarily extended (and boring) scenes of Theon’s torture. I would just prefer that

She was for subway tokens before she was against them.

I think you really have to want it to be offended by this one.

Nothing to go off of. I guess we just expect some apologies for when Hillary having mothers of gun shot victims campaign with her and was accused of pandering. Obv each of these people can support whatever candidate they want, but I remember Hillary being called a shrillary when she surrounded herself with black women

I 100% don’t get the snark. Life can be lonely AF and not all of us like being glued to our Laptops commenting on Jezebel all day eating cheese and intermitenly checking out cats on Neko Atsume. Community living is great but hard to carry out in cities, as long as the price is reasonable this is a fab alternative

your hand is already underneath your ass, you just drop the paper in the toilet like a normal person. WHAT ARE THESE ARGUMENTS EVEN

You lean forward a little and give your tush a little push upwards while maintaining contact on the seat with your thighs so that you can access it from the back. Duh!

You don’t touch water or rim when sitting to wipe. This is the criticism that standers most often employ, and yet it’s a totally unfounded critique. No decent human being has touched water while wiping. Broken husks of humans, maybe.

I don’t know what you mean because I’ve never read Deadspin before.

countertaek: Rudy is a story about if a white guy whines enough about how he really, really wants to do something a bunch of black guys are more qualified to do, other white guys will give him the job.

Very much on board with this STRONG take. Madeleine you’ve made a fan for life.