
i’m guessing its an optical illusion because of how wide it is.

what, no dart? lol

was not a side impact, it basically hit my rear tire head-on (most of that metal removed from the c-pillar was checking for structural damage), which shoved said tire into the door frame hard enough to dislocate the suspension & compromise the c-pillar.

i see a weird cleft lip thing goin on there.. and fixed it:

i’m curious what happened to my dart; last i saw, it was on ebay in ny by some salvage ppl that picked it up here in Ga.. after it was auctioned off.

this is what he looked like when i last saw him; they cut him open to see how bad the damage was.. deemed a total loss at 17k; got “paid” 21k by ins. Not bad considering

the Esteem. (i wanted to get one & put it on air just for the pun. high or low, esteem.)

hmm; theres one of these at one of those run-down gas station/used dealer near here.. been on CL for a while.. its gone now apparently tho.

what about that one? lol

agreed; my bf has pushed ou ‘66 c10 panel up into the garage once or twice & that was with two engines in it. (one under the hood & one rebuild-in-progress in a crate in the back). Add an incline and i’ll be impressed. lol

no front shots of this bumper without the SS to take the focal point of the pic. interesting.

if it were green i would name it frogger.

Fair enough, but that’s why they’re optional. Lol

rear mounted force field activate

lol, ik. :) ty tho.

apt name, that.

*blinks confusedly in your general direction*

.. do people race with the hope to lose? lol

consider this the TRX or TRX/4 replacement.

as i said to someone else, i was thinking more alaska than michigan.

i cant not see the emote xD when i see that badge. that aside, it’ll get the same treatment any other truck would.