I would be the smartass to rebadge it like an anime does WacDonalds. Just make it different enough, but still recognisable as what it was.
Hmm... nothin last time I checked.. maybe in a few hours. e.O
I don’t remember which trans that one has. My SJ Laredo had a 5spd manual and the 4.2L inline-6, a supposedly rare combo. Most were 4spd. The Cherokee had 2 other engine options. the 360 v8 that everyone knows & is familiar with; and the 401 v8 from the Cherokee S. Which transmission that had idk.
The first thing I thought of was that they’re going Aston’s route, with a giant grille up front, and not much else. Thinking more on it, that seems to be the upcoming ‘thing’ for vehicle style. All grille, and almost no body up front. lol.. We’ll see how it looks in production-form. The body lines look good though.
Clean, not oversculpted, it should fly off lots if priced right. I worry about “a version of..” phrasing being used, however. lol
Only if they’re cleared and are visible at the time of an incident. Diverting into other lanes only makes the knot bigger, most of the time. You’d have people slowing to look, getting hit, and the carnage keeps going, spreading wider, and wider until people actually are going slow enough to stop. Especially when you…
We almost always require a table. My hb is a big guy at 6'4", long legs, long arms, so he can’t comfortably fit in 90% of the booths he’s ever been sat at. Unfortunately about half the time we are seated, they still try to sit us at a booth, even when we request a table when we arrive. Sometimes we even have to turn a…
How I text.. is typically dependant on what/who I’m sending to. I will sometimes do a line per sentence, just because that’s the cadence I’m thinking in, and usually I add thoughts as I go. If it’s a bunch of information that I’m transcribing or sending to someone professionally (rare), I’ll do block-text style.
I swype, much faster most of the time, unless i have to delete the word I just wrote because the keyboard translated what I was trying to say wrong. If it takes more than twice, I go with just typing it out the old fashioned way; stupid machines; making things both easier and more difficult at the same time. lol
Once I…
Concept.. dude, by the time this thing comes out, people will no longer remember WTF a Supra was. lol
.. I’m pretty sure WK didn’t come with remote-start as an option, so that was probably an aftermarket setup, thus the guy could drive more than say.. out of the parkinglot. lol — sigh.
Unless it’s a newer/current Grand Cherokee (WK2), which does have the factory system, but it requires you to be within a certain…
Not ignorant, I just don’t go overlanding much., since I don’t have a Wrangler or PowerWagon. You see, in Southern California there wasn’t much of that to do. Especially where we lived at the time. You’d have to go well east and a bit north of San Diego. So our usual spots were SVRA’s like Ocotillo Wells, where there…
People are going to be stupid regardless of what they see in a Jeep ad. The people who do that, even if a Jeep ad just showed it driving on pavement. Gods forbid they show a Jeep offroading on a man-made obstacle. lol - The problem arises when idiots decide to blame it on something they saw on TV. I think those…
They’ve always been pro tread-lightly. The ‘aesthetic’ is more a lifestyle statement, of “hey, get outside and do something” than a “hey you should go fuck up some nature because you have a jeep” lol.
Taking things out of context is always a good way to make an argument, I guess.
I get it. Tread Lightly & all that. That said though, there are very few places you can truly free-wheel like that. Usually SVRA’s and other places you can do so are clearly marked & have specific trails you can take. 99% of them have “STAY ON TRAIL” signage. So, if someone decides to be a dick and go off-trail, then…
.. and pretty damn big fineprint too, tbh. lol