

Well, I had a 1.8T Passat before the dart, I figured this question was posed to factory, new cars, not modified used cars..

Yup it does.. You can see it here, in my totaled dart:

Now playing

I would but it was totaled last month, my poor 8 month old Dart :(

Dart 1.4 turbo. Same sounds as the Abarth. Get an intake and you have that blow-off sound too. I miss mine dearly. Stupid CTS. They can be had for a bit less cash, as little as the advertised 16k if you want to start light and turn it into a racer. The Tork tune will bump the power, torque and efficiency as well. You

Kinda looks like a body-kitted Camry from the Side.. Mostly from the front fenders back.

1st gen neon acr or just a 1st gen neon with a stick. They're fun little cars.

I think this one is a bit beyond diy. Lol

Out was more of an experiment I was doing for drivability. The TCS is seemingly a bit overzealous on initial acceleration from a stop. Feels laggy sometimes. Turning off the TCS seemed to help. Granted, since that time, I have stopped doing that, because I've become used to the car and iv forget to hit the button. Lol

Probably the pea-pod.. Lol

Definitely. Having driven from Phoenix,Az to Macon, Ga in under 30 hours, I know what you mean. I had to do that trek 3x for our move.. Just was trying g to make a funeral for the first one. It comes in handy, I know.

Congrats, join us over on ;)

Oddly enough, the same thing happened to me going across Texas. One direction I got 51.8 in my dart, going eastbound on the 20 (I think).. But on the way back west I wasn't getting much more than 41.

Not having read the article, just the snippet, this seems an oxymoron.

5th - I don't get it, and feel its a waste of money.

Spare disc-brakes for all!

Lol, us too. We brought pics to a Chrysler-certified body-shop, and he said, from what he could see, he is repairable.. however we won't realistically know until it's up on the lift, and looked at.

Uhmm, no. The funeral was for an eleven year old girl. That joke was in bad taste

Yes, yes I do, assuming they don't total it out. There is a ton of suspension damage, and a lightly rippled c-pillar.. Its at least a $10k repair.. Thank god it was the caddy's fault.