Ugh, at least you got a larger car. Lol
Ugh, at least you got a larger car. Lol
Its more of an auto-tragic purgatory.. I have to remind myself that theres no clutch pedal..And I hate the infotainment, among many other things aside from being rental-car-grey inside and out.. Lol
Interesting timing for this one. I was just rear-ended in my Dart last Thursday. Caddy CTS damaged three other cars besides myself. It was a unique accident, as it was not caused by an elderly person, or a younger one on their phone. We were stopped (2 lanes, full stop) for a funeral procession. A long one. Add slight…
A few things, namely, not being as fast as it looks? There's already ecu tunes for it to fix that.. Lol
Between Benz and anyone else, I'll take anyone else. I don't like their M.O. — of course that is coming from a fan of their most recent victim.. Chrysler. Take it for what you will, I will never own a Benz, I would trade in if I won one or was given one.
It is a fairly rare option combo, from what I've read at various sources. Bluestreak pearl, loaded except sunroof and block heater, black leather interior, manual transmission, 1.4L Turbo. The blue+black leather can't be ordered for dealer stock, and manual+turbo in the top-of-the-line trim. Not to mention I won him.…
PCL is the color code. My dart was wrecked yesterday, so I actually had to "go" look. Which we were doing anyway, to survey damage & remove my stuff.
I can get that later today I think..
Neutral: Uconnect. I may be partial, but judging from reviews its one of the best, if not the best, out there.
They did darken them; i'm just saying this particular image is Photoshopped horribly. lol
.. that is the original images; they just did a craptastic job in photoshop. o.O
This looks like the one they did the movie Annie on.. that was my first thought of that pic anyway.. odds are not the same thing + most of that scene was probably a set.
Not a tow hook. Advanced cruise control system sensor
Story goes, it was supposed to be seven. He did the rest on his own.
My bf was a GM die-hard, until I introduced him to Mopar. lol