
Hmm.. maybe we're looking at the next-gen R8?

Is that Rover old enough to be considered a Ford product? The irony gets me if it is.

that dude does not watch animal planet.. charging a ram is like an invitation to get your ass kicked. xD

that was fun to watch; my bf was making drifting sound effects while it was moving between ports. xD

Yes & no, on the misreading. I'm with you on the 'stance' terminology, but in this case, I was using it as a lot of people do.. to define a vw (or similar) with stretched tires and lowered, sometimes, beyond functional levels.

This (and worse) is what I think, when I see "VIP". A lot of people confuse VIP with "stanced" though. o.O

so... this doesn't work on my new Nexus7 then.. o.O

kind of an old one; but here; found it on DeviantArt. Normally I just have cars on it; like my Dart, Viper, etc..

You're probably right; I haven't watched the vid OR been on the 163 in a while. lol

Now playing

Had you not seen the chase in San Diego from long ago? Dude stole a tank from Base and went on a rampage; eventually getting stuck on the divider between north & southbound 5 fwy... that one? well - he drove through an RV and a few cars.

misleading title.

never actually had lockers in HS.. they were there, but you weren't allowed to actually USE them. o.O

The power of denial. lol

Despite having a "Limited" myself; I would say the Limited and the Sport.

That looks two-dimensional; like a really effing horrible photoshop. o.O

They're a limited color. If you want one you should get it soon. :)

Honestly the Dart (Rallye or GT) is pretty nice looking in white:

I'm pretty sure 99% of cars are not allowed on the board-walk in the first place; the 1% that are, are rescue personnel and police.

I haven't been on that particular beach in a while; but i think they're palm trees not lights

I think they'd probably have to make a new set of spring's cause seriously, they're pretty bad.. [edit] and I think this one might actually be missing a leaf. o.O