
You’re damn right. It’s a Sunday night and some of us need a good laugh/wince/sympathetic groan before the upcoming week.

From an ex-muslim, yes, yes it does.

I really fucking hate ISIS.

It’s the Taliban, not ISIS, but it still applies.

OR you can spin it, “Wow, even ISIS supports birth control. You are literally worse than ISIS."

My god, the treatment of these women as mere sexual pets is downright evil, disgusting, and insane. Selling them with a box of peels, like you do a dog to a new owner asking if the dog had all its shots? is sickening. This is absolutely pure evil, ISIS is scum and needs to be completely obliterated from the face of

Wow, who knew ISIS was more progressive than the Vatican?

I feel like somehow the Republicans will turn this into another reason to try to keep women from obtaining contraception — OH, YOU WANT THE ISIS PILLS, HUH??

Right? Nine months of rape vs. forced pregnancy with your abuser’s child is the worst Would-You-Rather ever.

Supporting rival groups almost always comes back to bite us in the ass. I don’t know why this is such a hard lesson for the US to learn, but training and arming guerrilla forces in random backwaters does not make them our allies.

Guy was too ashamed to ask for an abortion, but not too ashamed to sexually abuse someone.

There is no angle on this that is remotely positive.

At least they’re progressively controlling women’s bodies.

Too much internet for me today, see ya later.


Has nothing to do with Islam. Or at least keep telling yourselves just that...

Honestly, I’m not surprised.

Even though I hate Pink Floyd

I mean I can’t say they definitely did a great job, but they also had a lot going up against them with this case. I’m not sure what else they could have presented to the jury that would have won the case for them. Cochran had an explanation for everything even the most damning evidence. And I don’t think they realized