Suzanne Forbes

I wouldn’t encourage my daughter to go in to porn because it’s a hard career with a lot of toxic environments and social stigma. At the same time, I don’t want her to be a ballerina or a gymnast for the same reasons.

Pretty sure I just saw him on Conan bragging about buying his wife Lydia Hearst (he certainly has a type, wow) tampons. He was like, “I was so excited for the opportunity, yeah!” and putting on that whole, “I’m a good guy front.”

Megan, you forgot one.

Not only that but I’ve always viewed anti-vac people as basically saying “I’d rather my kid die of a preventable disease than be autistic.” Because that’s what it pretty much boils down to. They don’t want an autistic child, and they blame the vaccines for that possibility. They’d rather their child just outright die

And, if you don’t know what it’s like to have the entire world openly criticize, judge, throw uninformed opinions,

Thank you. I’m exhausted. I just need a break. But the whole concept of the ties between the codependency in my parents’ marriage and my marriage to my ex is not lost in me. Hoping it gets better/easier soon. It has to. ❤️

Please don’t think that! People survive depression more often than not. I hope you have good support. Keep on keeping on <3

I would say that this should be something you can look at as proof that money and fame are not cures for depression. You’re not doomed, you just have to find something (medicine, therapy, etc.) that will help you. Money and fame will not. Which I’m thankful for as I have neither.

Please text/call the hotline number. I don’t know you or your situation, but I was once in a dark place thinking that ending my life was the only solution. The hotline was my saving grace and then talking to a professional and family and friends. I’m here for you!

You can text LISTEN to 839863

Okay anyone out there suffering: please get help. You can text LISTEN to 839863. You can call 1-800-273-8255 i8f you are going through any kind of crisis This happens to be our local Reno office and I feel confident they are highly trained in helping LGBTQ people, veterans, domestic violence, and sexual assault

Someone on twitter said a Fountainhead movie helmed by Zack Snyder is precisely the adaptation this novel deserves and I agree.

My man, we are tapped directly into the Apollo submarine cable using some RCA cables from Radio Shack that in turn is hooked up to Craig’s skull (he has a lot of fillings and an internal dual-band router he claims the CIA installed inside his cranium) and we get full bars up to at least 3000 yards from Craig’s skull

I wear floor length dresses a lot because I’m not super tall, and I will pick up my hem in a variety of circumstances, but if I walked around NYC and went down the subway stairs and my dress was touching that, I would have to just burn the clothes and scour myself in Lysol and Magic Eraser.

Over the years, I’ve seen the people-on-the-streets shots and celeb pics showing hemlines to the ground, and I thought of those people as trash people who make very, very bad choices.

Stools Are Bullshit
Now playing

You might want to sit down for this one. Unless, of course, the seat closest to you is a stool. In that case, stand

Can I just say that I think Janelle has one of the most beautiful faces on earth.

Those hands, i see them Tessa