Suzanne Forbes

Is that the Highland version of "That's too much car for you?" Cause I like it. But I think you meant "wouldnae".

I think no-one in comments should be talking about the movie at all, because they should be only talking about the magnificence of this review. For Christ's fucking sake. Lindy, where is your review book deal, I will buy the hell outta that thing.

"an agency-free boner-golem." Submitting this now for best descriptive phrase of the 21st century.

I had a boyfriend when I was nineteen who would come in the bathroom and hold me while I put it in, check that it was correctly positioned, then we'd get down on the bathroom floor. Young love doesn't give a fuck about messy.

Seriously. I used a diaphragm from 14 to 16 without pregnancy even though I once had sex with three different guys in one day and once did it with the same guy seven times in one day.

When I was fourteen and started having sex, my mom made an appointment for me with her gynecologist. (It was the '80s. It was a different world.) Dr. Woolf, who had delivered me, refused to consider my request to have my tubes tied, and said I was too young to go on the Pill. So he gave me a diaphragm. It was fine. I

I'm guessing you meant "Etsy Whitey has NO money and no political power." Speaking from personal experience.

What's so fucked up is I read "two bedroom in Russian Hill" and thought, wow, only 4k? My guy and I are outta here to Berlin at the start of the new year. Can't nobody afford to live here.

Absolutely lovely. That is exactly what I want for my third wedding sometime this fall. I have plenty of tabletop; thoughtful and loving memories of a precious friend are way better than another waffle iron. (Especially since I never used the one from the first wedding.)

Well said.

Politely disagree. If anyone can rock the blue beard, it is Pedro.

Socks can actually be an asset to sex. The first sex I had after my second divorce was with a slightly Aspie but total good guy programmer I picked up at Folsom, and he said he preferred to keep his socks on because cold feet negatively impacted his performance and warm feet demonstrably assisted. I've encouraged

Your reply completes me.

In my mid-40s, post second divorce, was working at Wicked Grounds, the kinky coffee shop in SF. Brought a chocolate milkshake to a cute young guy at his table, and when I set it down, it overflowed everywhere. I cleaned it up, we laughed and I put him on my wait list; a year later his number came up and we got

A woman friend of mine showed me a product in the Extra Large scale from these guys. It was beautifully made, with an iridescent metallic finish, and much like holding a cantaloupe. I tried to imagine it being used to its intended purpose on the young man she was seeing, and failed of imagining.

Srsly. Colton Haynes. SO grateful a character I care so much about is being played by such a fabulous guy.

thank you! I am all about the female gaze.

I agree completely. Women-identified people are widely varied in their ways of being, and some of us are plain old shallow objectifying surface-oriented types who really, really care about tall thin guys with flat stomachs, big dicks, broad shoulders, clean features, blue or green eyes and long dark hair. Current

Is true. Once, a friend of mine pointed out that when a woman is standing naked in front of a man, she may be thinking about her perceived flaws, but he's definitely thinking, "She's NAKED! Nakednakednaked!"

The thing I like about Modcloth's plus clothing is that actually, they ARE treating their plus customers exactly the same as their straight size. Including, incredibly, mixing plus and straight models in many, many shoots, and showing plus models as the mainpage image or the lede image for a style feature both on the