
I do want that swimsuit because stripes.

OMG this. I can't call them mom-jeans in front of him. Or "they make my butt look like two tilted letter Ds." He LIKES that. I do not. I suppose I can try these "new" ones anyway, just to see.

God I loved finding these in my college library. I wanted to see HER letters to him after that, though I could figure out some from context.

I am glad he did because something about his androgynous look was just...guh.

Same here! My mom was a rummage sale queen. I loved my shirts with paintbrushes, cars, animals 'n' other colorful things on them.

You totally had me at guinea pig t-shirt.

Same here.

So much this.

The silver-grey. I want the silver-grey. Why can't Monopoly money be real? Arrgh.

This. I saw everyone else in the family taking in books or magazines to the bathroom, so I grew up doing the same thing. Now I just feel weird if I don't have anything to read.

"Alternatively, maybe she's just never been with a large penis that was attached to a man who knew how to really get her worked up before trying to enter."

That is a beautiful way to think of it.

I agree, I was a spelling bee champ in grade school, so this letter didn't jar on me as being edited. It's only latterly that my skills seem to be slipping, but I've reconciled myself to this by blaming the internet, which can't fight back. I do hope she was the one who wrote this.

This is just me, mind you—when I see books used as purses or other non-book things, it makes me feel sorry for them. What happens to the rest of the book? Ack!

Same situation here with my male gyno unless my husband's in there with me (I have stupid health issues, so I like having him there to listen with his ears in case my ears miss something due to panic or temporary idiocy). I feel completely comfortable with my gyno, not the least because he explains every damn thing

The precision eyebrows of disdain.

I will have to finally get a pair, thanks!

After reading some of the comments, I'm getting a sinking feeling that I'm washing my jeans WAY too much. I start getting that "I really should wash these" nagging voice every other week, usually coinciding with how awesome the jeans fit by then. I use the normal cycle, then air dry simply because our stupid dryer

When hanging it out the window won't work.

I hear that Lucky jeans are awesome, and then I forget about it, and then it comes back on my radar again—so, worth the price? I like the sound of something luxurious on m'stems.