
Instant Blade Runner / Gerry Rafferty vibe, but then she started singing and it’s not for me. But for all I know, it’ll come back at me as an earworm and then where will I be??

Me either. I would have simultaneously envied/loathed/been in awe of those girls as a pre-teen and teen, and bought the magazine to find that elusive how-to.

Yes. I used to never miss an ep when they first ran, and now I have to remember that Saturday means Doctor Who, but since we're recording it, I can wait until Sunday, or Monday...and that's sad, because I really enjoy Capaldi, I have had fond feelings for him since "Local Hero," and I want him to succeed. Instead I

Yes! And...and...if they were on the TARDIS with her AND Pink, she wouldn't be the last of her kind, then, would she? Arrgh!

This. I don't wear rings and never saw the point of an engagement ring AND a wedding ring, don't like diamonds, blah blah. But he really wanted to do something. Fine, sez I. We exchanged necklaces instead. I don't even wear that but I keep it in a very special place.

My mom did that for me too! This was post-college for me. I don't wear it because I don't favor diamonds, but I will always treasure it.

I had to laugh at the just-born moose comment, because _I_ don't know how to walk in the damn things, and now I'm picturing that young moose from Northern Exposure, and...

Squee! Piggies!

I have long wondering this SAME THING about VPL. Related to this is an asswipe (no pun intended) I worked with who sidled up to me one day and said, "I can always tell when you're wearing a thong—no pantylines." Until then, I hadn't actually thought about People Making a Point of Looking, yet evidently they do. Hell,

I find myself giving him a pass because Ozzy, and the song is so instantly evocative. /fickle

Well, now I want a song that has all those words in it. I hear the tune in my head. Probably ripped off, but no one will know (yet). Working title: Rhyme Zone.

Yes. Great Halloween costume. But the damn heels ruin even my willing suspension of disbelief for a superhero, as well as the squeezetastic outfit. Arrgh.

That is hi-larious that you were texting behind his head—I love it. Not that you had to go through that, of course.

This yes. Shoved under the seat in my first car for emergencies. I had to use it a couple times, and damned if the blasted thing wouldn't hang up when it encountered an answering machine. My dislike of it only ended when cell phones appeared and it went AWAY.

Yes here too! I have nostalgia for the rotary dial sound, though not enough to get an app for it.

I want to say "'Tis!" right out because I got unduly excited just seeing an unexpected Jack Bennying, but something about the glasses and his face look odd to me. Probably just the head tilt/camera angle/whatnot.

First jumble of thoughts that came to mind were—bringing back something we thought was lost forever is a neat, even a great thing, but if we don't change what caused it to be extinct in the first place, won't it just happen again? Especially if it was through ol' humanity in the first place. I say this as someone who

GUINEA PIGS FUCKING ROCK. I shout this as a nearly life long guinea pig pal.

OMG it is. Poor Cthulhu. Never dreamed that one up, did he.

Though now I'm thinking the alpha/beta makes perfect sense for ol' humanity based on all the constructs we create. I KEEPS MY GAMMA STATUS YAY.