
It was more like a time of ‘benevolent misogyny.’ ...I.E: “If you play by my rules, I won’t beat you too hard.”

When some conservatives point to the past as a time when women were revered, respected, and safe, it’s important to remember how much of the violence and abuse was simply not noticed or recorded.

It’s more relevant to #metoo than it is do traditional politics, IMO. People are working toward stopping predatory sexual behavior in the workplace, and Clinton/Lewinsky is a classic example of that. To normalize a relationship between a boss and an intern creates a culture where women are perceived as sexually

You can care about more than one thing at a time.

An imbalance of power has nothing to do with virginity, it has everything to do with the positions of power (or lack of power) that both parties hold in the workplace. He was literally the most powerful man in the world and she was an intern, it’s not a equitable sexual relationship.

Sexual harassment happens in the real world and has real world repercussions. It is also more than tangentially related to the issues of abortion and anti-gay bigotry because all of the above issues deal with sexual policing under a patriarchal structure.

I remember this part of history very very well. The narrative you describe is mostly correct, except the part about Hillary as some “ woman that couldn’t satisfy Clinton...” That wasn’t the message the MAINstream media was communicating at all, though there are always hate sources to be found if you look for

I give a flying fuck not only because it’s the epitome of sexist double standards but also because when we ignore men like Clinton, we pave the way for men like Trump and then we wonder how we got here.

I didn’t see it as sarcasm; I thought it was classic whataboutism: Oh, Kennedy and Johnson fucked around too. Why are we giving Clinton such a hard time when other presidents did it as well?   

It all matters. All of it. A president who won’t speak out about another president and his horrible behavior matters. A president who doesn’t feel that what he did to women matters, because it allows shit like what is happening in our country to happen. It starts with getting away with calling women and people of

“This happened 20 years ago, come on. Let’s talk about JFK. Let’s talk about LBJ. Stop already.”

He seems to think that the fact people were with him 20 years ago means they’d be there now, and that the fact they were there at all means no one should be mad about it. Then he gets mad because hes a retired president and shouldn’t be judged because he’s in the club of people above scrutiny. George Washington was

I have never seen this show but I just would like to say that if I died and the photo they chose to put by my casket was a selfie of me in a beanie in a car I would be LIIIIIIVID.

The appearance that she deliberately cultivates, looking like a tween? She seems to be intelligent and mature. I’m not criticizing anything she doesn’t have complete control over. The fact that she wants to look like a 12-year-old is gross.
(For example, even though Selena Gomez has a baby face ^10, I don’t criticize

I was wondering, with all this ICE cos-playing, what did he do with his life? as in, how did he support himself? It sounds like his ICE persona must have taken up a lot of time.

I don’t like her music, but dammit if I do like her.


I don’t see any reason why they can’t continue being artists. Now, whether they’re popular artists or not is up to the audience.

Okay, let’s see here. Dude is 26. He has an Audi and the money to buy lots of guns and ammunition. Assuming he was playing ICE cop between 9 and 5, what did he do to earn money?

The effortless diversity of Brooklyn 99 is one of the main reasons it shouldn’t be cancelled. Reading Stephanie Beatriz’s story of crying when she found out Melissa Fumero had been cast before her because she thought that meant she didn’t get the part since obviously the show would only cast a single Latina, and then