
A lot of Catholics don’t particularly care about making abortion illegal. About half think it should be legal in all or most cases, and an additional 5% or so don’t know.

I read an article last week where the author stated, “The American Dream is the most cruel thing that has ever happened to the white male. All his life he’s been taught that he just has to SHOW UP and he gets a beautiful wife, smart kids, a nice house and a decent job where everyone respects him. Women, people of

I had consensual sex with the guy who raped me. I didn’t want to admit to myself that the dude I thought was a great guy was a rapist. And I bought his weak excuse, because I wanted to believe he was a great guy. Women don’t want bad guys, we want good guys. We want good guys so much, we’ll try to convince ourselves

She presumably cancelled the interview because she doesn’t want her political/campaign legacy to be tainted by its associations with a serial sexual predator.

Answer the question, chief.

No. You were not clear. And I understand perfectly what you’re saying, even though you’re tapdancing like Fred-Fucking-Astaire. You are saying that you think that Farrow should not have reported on Weinstein because he has money. Money that he gives to Democrats. Therefore Farrow is somehow complicit in Trump because,

Trump who gets a free pass every time we talk about Weinstein.

So, Weinstein should have been allowed to go on raping because he gave money to Democrats. And Ronan Farrow was improper because his reporting on a monstrously bad sexual predator somehow prevented him from contributing a drop to the bucket of anti-Trump think pieces. All because party politics transcends your

It’s the one thing I often find myself wondering about celebrities and other public figures (including journalists!): how the moment you distinguish yourself, make a unique creative statement, lift your head just a little higher than the crowd – there’s somebody who wants to lop it off. And they’re coming for you!

I know that this site has to make its distaste of taylor swift known daily, but joking about stalking is not really ever a cute look. Please reconsider changing the headline and tone of this article.

Well, some of my relatives and peers also called my stalker a suitor, and they actually felt sorry for him and not for me. I developed terrible anxiety as a result, and I still have panic attacks whenever stranger men approach me.

Wow. I can’t even begin to describe how disgustingly offensive your ‘article’ about Taylor Swift being the victim of stalking - and it could have been worse - is. And that headline... Do you refer to the men who murdered women that refused their advances as ‘suitors’? Fuck off. Seriously. This is disgusting and should

And crazy people ARE coming for her! Constantly! How can you possibly feel safe with these looney tunes demanding God knows what from you because you exist and sing songs?

An ostensibly feminist (or, at least, feminist-adjacent) website making jokes about a woman being stalked isn’t “snark” or “adult humour,” it’s shitty, crass, and trivializes a form of violence 15% of women will experience in their lifetime.

No, I’m saying Jez and the Root’s Mean Girl obsession with Taylor Swift is boring. I can’t name 2 Taylor Swift songs but even I know the girl is bland but harmless and yet they act like she’s a blonde Pol Pot. And no, I’m not projecting, you’re being hypocritical if you don’t think that were it anyone else, a feminist

Because that’s what we should take from this 🙄

In our terrible world, because it’s just another manifestation of victim blaming. “Well if you were really molested, you would have taken that grown man to the cleaners in court, little 7 year old girl”.

I’m super pissed off at this Hannah Gold for not stating this in the body of the article. It should immediately follow the false statement made. No wonder people keep repeating Woody Allens PR defence, bad writers aren’t correcting the record. What good is this writers indignation when the alternative fact goes

Nope not even a tiny little bit. The judge in his custody case said he thought he at best had been inappropriate. The DA declined to press criminal charges to spare the child as he freely said. They believed he did it. In what world is declining to press charges to spare a victimized child the burden of a trial being

Unfortunately many countries have found that legalizing sex work doesn’t help with cracking down on trafficking. The US is a particularly difficult country to talk about, though, because there are fewer social services (e.g. welfare) in the US (compared to other western countries) that sex workers could turn to as an