
I didn’t say it was the only metric, but how good could things have been if they didn’t even make a decade. They wouldn’t be divorcing if they’d had nine good years. They probably had maybe four, five good years if they’re divorcing already with a young kid. My guy and I have been together going on 13 years and we’re

I was just talking to some friends about this. I argue that because history is written by the victors and those in power, we have so long been conditioned to see toxic men as sexually attractive (lest we forget, the “male gaze” applies also to how men portray other men in addition to women) that that’s why women find

I think the things people are taught about woman’s role and how we’re supposed to behave has also played a major role in domestic violence. Generations of men have been taught that marrying/sleeping with a woman= owning her and that we’re supposed to be meek and submissive to them at all times. That’s a recipe for a

Damn straight it’s a perfect world scenario. I tried to get my kids out of the house while also, you know, staying alive. Because every time I tried to take a step further away, my abuser got more violent with me.

Too often, children in abusive households split the difference and are both Victim and Victimizer. Sometimes the “Victim” part becomes a shield; “Sure I have a temper, but I’m not as bad as ____ was.” allowing them to justify their continued behavior. And sometimes it’s the center of a rot that spirals a person into

Lets not forget the other forms of abuse because that’s what the video demonstrated. Verbal and mental abuse can be damaging too. You’re right we can use our words to articulate are emotions but must get better in communicating in a way that doesn’t manipulate and create terror.

Sounds like you’re implying that misogyny isn’t a byproduct of our patriarchal society. Either that, or women aren’t strong or smart enough to be able to “fight that off”. Care to elaborate?

No snark, but I honestly don’t know why this would be shocking. The same culture that teaches men to hate women also teaches women to hate women.

Marginalized persons will identify with the system that oppresses them to be above fellow victims of said system.


The most shocking thing to me is how many women are misogynists and spend their time defending other misogynists. They don’t even realize they are willing participants in their own demise.

This pretty much sums it up. I don’t have any takeaways either really. It’s just more or less “damn Fab, really man... you don’t have your shit together after all this time being in the game?”

Yeah. You have ‘designers’ like this who don’t train and can’t design for sh*t and you have talented artists like Tracy Reese and Christiano Siriano. There is a difference. I see why people hate the Hypebeast scene.

Right because people who aren’t religious never sell their children to pedophiles. Except for all the times they do.

Not religion: patriarchy. Fanatic religion of any kind is but one tool in its huge arsenal.

Sure, Romans had slaves, but most treated their slaves better than many modern corporations treat their employees nowadays.

Alright, let’s break down this crazy logic train.

And what was the average age of death and mortality rate as it relates to reaching adulthood during the Middle Ages?

Yes, during that time things were allowed that aren’t now because to some degree, their civilization’s survival depended on it. That isn’t the case so the same doesn’t apply.

Found ‘that guy.’