
Men, generally, get their emotional support and intimacy from their partners rather than their friends. So a relationship ends and suddenly they’re adrift, whereas most women have a few or more close friends to lean on, get support from, enjoy life with. Plus, all the domestic things women almost inevitably end up

Women do so many small things for men that they miss immediately and so naturally they need to find another woman to ease their way through life.

I thought she was working only part time hours and made $500 a week. That’s $25 an hour, assuming part time means 20 hours a week. That is definitely not being overworked and underpaid for a nanny. Are families supposed to pay over $24,000 a year for part-time childcare to not be considered “cheap”?

Did they pay her on time and in accordance with labor laws? Did they require her to work a reasonable number of hours? Did they refrain from verbally or physically harassing her? Did they expect her to perform work reasonably within her job description, or offer to pay her extra for additional duties? It sounds like

Sending your kid to private school on a part time nanny salary is an idiotic financial decision because even people who can actually afford that expense don’t all agree it’s justified. There are plenty of excellent public schools.

They gave her bonuses. They gave her plane tickets to see her family in the Dominican. They gave her the option to work longer and/or clean their house if she wanted to earn extra money. They were always very generous with her. But they were her employers. You think that they should’ve just given her more money

And not giving their employee extra money for nothing doesn’t mean they were “bad” employers.

I find it interesting that you’re searching so hard for ways to victim blame. It’s clear that you have class resentments that are coloring the way you read this story and on some level you believe the Krims (no need for the apostrophe, pro tip) deserved what they got.

There are a lot of inconvenient truths surrounding mental illness: I’ve seen mental health advocates hotly contest, for example, any insinuations that Donald Trump has mental health issues, saying he doesn’t “deserve” the mentally ill label. But the truth is conditions that afflict the brain aren’t a measure of your

Why the fuck would they offer an employee money for nothing? They weren’t her friends, they weren’t her family. I would never expect my employer to loan me money.

You can’t afford to pay your rent, there’s several good public high schools in your neighborhood and you send your son to private school? Yes, that’s poor financial decisions.

I’m not sure what you mean but I’m getting the growing impression that in an effort to be more accepting of people with mental illness some are acting as if it excuses everything.

A lot of the RHs have been in a lull but I don’t know how you can say that about RHONY. Season 8 was possibly an all time high after Scary Island season. Season 9 wasn’t as good, but it had a high bar to measure up to. It still brought us another unhinged trip in the Poconos and the beauty of every single thing from

Rape is still rape when the woman has had lots of consensual sex before. She could even have had lots of sex with you before, but the one time you forced yourself on her without her consent, it was still rape. That’s true of physical assault too. Say you dated Ronda Rousey. She’s taken many punches in her line of

She’s not allowed to make political statements. William is president of Bafta. Why should she sit out? Can we stop vilifying women who aren’t doing Times Up well enough?

Men talk shit about each other constantly! And they are openly rude to their friends. I asked my husband about it once, he just shrugged and chalked it up to ‘busting balls’. My friends and I are nice to each other.

In high school, I was pretty impressed with girls who just hung out with the guys. I DID think they were cool girls! Now, almost 20 years later, I work in a male dominated industry and I spend all day listening to men talk... they take 10 minutes to say what could have been said in 1, they never write anything down or

Every chick who says chicks are ‘catty’ is absolutely the reason for any perceived (or earned) cattiness. The most awful, drama prone, and untrustworthy women I have ever met have ALL monologued about how they avoid women because of the exact shit they are currently doing.

Every idiot who says that they hate drama is always the catalyst for drama.

Now playing

I mean, sure, there may be a drama-free chick or two out there, but like I get it. They’ve always got migraines or, like, laundry, and they always eat yogurt, nothing but yogurt, when it’s like, sometimes I just want a lean protein and a beer, you know?