
Sadly, I think they already are commonplace in most schools.

Neither of them is “young” (Amy isn’t old by any means, though) so maybe they just know what they want at this point and were like whatever let’s formalize it.

I would imagine that France doesn’t let children own property and drive cars and enter into legally binding contracts so I respectfully submit that French culture is perfectly able to distinguish between children and adults when it chooses to.

The lawyers also say their client thought the girl was “at least 16.”

Look at you! Using the same old French sexual superiority defense for a grown man fucking a child. Calling an 11 year old a neophyte, sexually assertive non victim just makes you a piece of shit pedophile.  

Ugh, what a disgusting comment. This “sexually self-assertive... non-victim” is free to be “normally inquisitive” with other (consenting, “inquisitive”) preteens. A grown man having sexual contact with an 11 year old is not normal, and it is harmful to the children involved.

Depending on what the key ingredients are that you’re willing to throw down the big bucks for, you can actually by them direct from bulk sellers and mix em yourself. This works really well for serums, which are generally oils with some antioxidants thrown in. For pure oils and other natural ingredients, the site “from

I live for niche drama

Ok but when you look at the creepy ass shit he’s said about Soon Yi... does anyone truly buy the story that he wasn’t fiddling with her until she was 19? He first met her/lived with her when she was about 11/12, when he and Farrow got together. Soon Yi was severely devoid of speaking any language at the time and was

I agree, they know just enough to be dangerous (that most molesters have multiple victims) but not enough to really understand (that there are many types of child abuser and the serial molester is only one kind).

I learned about the relationship with Soon-Yi first, and that was more than enough for me to remove him from my list of people whose films I’ll watch. Just based on that relationship alone, I honestly don’t get how anyone could disbelieve Dylan Farrow.

I think I heard about this four years or so ago. Way before #metoo. Frankly, so many people are bending over backwards to protect Allen. It’s gross.

Not to mention, the way Dylan and her family has been vilified would probably deter anyone else from coming forward. Shit, who wants to deal with assholes mocking you and calling you a liar in a national newspaper?

Stephens is practicing lazy journalism. Yesterday he tweeted that if Allen was guilty the judge presiding over the case could have found Allen guilty. The only problem is that this wasn’t a criminal case and Allen was not being tried on his guilt or innocence. The Judge did find that the allegations were credible.

I just don’t know why people are still carrying water for this scumbag.

Another element of himpathy is the push for forgiveness and healing — sometimes literal days after the action. But when people say “forgiveness,” what they really mean it moving on, being over the transgression, and never mentioning the incident again. We’ve become so focused on that, that we don’t realize that

as much as i’ve frowned and sighed over her fame and surgeries, etc, it was a good reminder that she’s a person, she’s a woman, she’s very young and she has hopes and wants and feelings the same as the rest of us. like, god, i could stop being such a judgmental rag and be happy when people seem happy, regardless of

Haha I’m a similar age and one of my colleagues just went on mat leave and she’s the same age as me. When I found out she was prego my (inner) reaction was “oh no what is she going to do?” and then I remembered that she’s an adult in a long term relationship with a full time job and this is what people do.

Meanwhile I’m still scared about unplanned pregnancy and I’m 29.