
You are projecting your hurt and frustration onto other people. A tweet is not a lecture and she didn’t even tweet in a rude way. Sorry you feel rage at the current political and social circumstances. We are all upset. Don’t take out on people who do not deserve it.

Something that struck me after watching the video of Rose McGowan on The View (which I linked in a separate comment for those who haven’t seen it yet) was this:

Rose McGowan was on The View today and said one of the most powerful things about rape victims in the most powerful way I’ve heard it voiced “The only perfect rape victim is a dead one and that’s a fact.” One of the reasons no one believed me or gave a shit because I wasn’t “acting” like a rape victim “should” act.

Gaga is a true talent who can actually sing, play killer piano, and write actual music. She is really underappreciated.

Megan, you missed the best line in the interview, which is actually from the David Marchese, the interviewer:

I dunno. That figure is straight from Michelangelo. I love it.

okay? It’s not as if Rockwell was doing a portrait of Mary Doyle Keefe; he was having her model, presumably to get the lighting and fabric folds right. He didn’t have to make the body of the fictitious Rosie the Riveter the exact same as the body of the real life Mary the Telephone Operator.

no correlation between what she thinks is attractive and what we think is attractive is sorta the point, wr.

I also think she should not be held responsible for him in the same way we might expect of a spouse or a sibling. She married his brother, that’s not really the same thing as endorsing James.

I actually agree with that part (and only that part). Men talk way too fucking much, but when it comes to their behavior, their friends’ behavior, etc they’re silent.

I think she handled it pretty well, very diplomatic but emphasizing the need to hear victims speak out. I like her a lot.

I do! And it’s a very good point. The difference here is consistency and the authority figures surrounding the case. With the Satanic Panic, many of those kids WERE actually being molested, just not by Satanists. Take for instance the McMartin Daycare case.

I guess you glossed over the part where he was grossly inappropriate with Dylan part, the part where he knew shit all about his kids but brought the suit purely to spite Farrow, the parts where he abuses both Ronan and Dylan, and the parts about how abhorrent his behavior with Soon Yi was.

If there was compelling evidence that he did it, pray tell, why no charges?

Again - that is not slut shaming. What he is saying is basically - what’s good for the goose should be good for the gander.

People in jail right now have less evidence against them. I hope you advocate as strongly on their behalf. Unlike woody Allen they are not typically rich and white though

What a scrawny little twerp.

What irresponsible, trashy journalism from both HuffPo (not surprising, Yashar Ali is an attention-seeking opportunist) and Jezebel. If you actually examine the contract, which this article lazily chose not to do, you would see exactly where Chalamet and his lawyers might think he is not allowed to criticize Allen and

It’s also reflective of the way US political culture has basically turned the figure of the president into a superhero/villain, a perfect fit for celebrities and oligarchs.

She peddles a lot of nonsense like The Secret and mindless consumerism. We need *more* critical thinking in society, not less. Also, the idea of lurching between nice/mean billionaire overlords should make any respectable American puke.