
As a former MET museum employee myself (many years ago), you are absolutely right. The worst fucking people in the world were the asshole New Yorkers—between getting pennies thrown at me, being accused of lying to tourists, and generally disgusting comments (sometimes direct and sometimes to their we’re

One nice thing about living in the DC area is the Smithsonian museums are free. Well, as a tax payer, we have paid for admission already. There are some other private collections you will have to pay for, but the MoMA level museums are the Smithsonian ones (National Gallery of Art, National Portrait Gallery,

The biggest difference between Mariah and Celine Dion is Celine always keeps her growing vocal limitations in mind and accomodates them. If she sings old songs she adjusts them. And she has no qualms about admitting that (even coaching some kids on The Voice how to do so.)

Too many now a days forget that humans are capable of changing.

^^ THIS ^^

I...don’t get the outrage. Are we working on the assumption that every song performed by a singer is an autobiographical claim? Because that’s...just stupid. Cher didn’t write that song, anyway, ffs.

The tone of the article is that we’re supposed to root for this woman because the victim is a Trump supporter, ie, it might as well have been his fault, and he was asking for it, why did he even have this woman in his home, etc.

I suggest a Real Housewives cross over vacation edition, where there are six houses and a fan favorite wild card addition that spend 1 week in Monaco. Ladies of London and Melbourne are also included.

I think the primary issue is that what men talk about is “important” while what women talk about is “frivolous” so even when women are talking about life or death scenarios (such as abusers), it’s framed as light, puffy, gossip about romance, because ladies love love but are also conniving backstabbers. It’s all a

I wrote elsewhere that it’s notable how often all it takes to derail a woman’s career is to be labeled “difficult.” And yet people fall over themselves to work with difficult, even monstrous men.

I can think of times in my life when my gut failed to pick up on danger, but I cannot think of any time when it warned me and I was wrong.

We (as women) are so socialized to disbelieve or dismiss our guts. Even now, as a grown-assed woman, if I state a ‘nope’ position based on what my gut tells me, I get pushback from women as often as men. “I’m sure it’s not so bad!” “Give him a chance!” “But he’s Faaaaaamily.” You don’t even need to ask how often my

‘I feel that it’s kind of in the male DNA, that if somebody walks in the room, your first thought is, “Do I want to fuck her?” Honestly speaking.’

What she said about women’s gossip (in certain circumstance) as a form of warning to other women was extremely interesting. Would like to hear more about that through an anthropological lens.

arguing publicly for gossip’s value

I’ve learned that there’s fight, flight, and freeze.

There are so many people out there who will make you chicken soup. Get a better person. :(

Yes to all this. Also, in a medical system where doctors routinely tell women that their pain isn’t real, is it any surprise women stop seeking treatment? I had two friends almost die in the last year because doctors (who were all men) refused to believe that their pain was real and sent them home with directions to

You forget the unspoken assumption, which is that “suffering” is a valid excuse for being a complete and total dick to other people. (But only for dudes, of course.)

Hahaha that is one of my favorite episodes of Parks and Rec.