
No but “this guy has been a great friend and mentor to me and the only reason I was able to fix my life and get to the point that I am making 40 million a movie. I believe in second chances and I want to see him get one” is. Not saying we have to support RDJ’s cause but wanting to help someone who helped him

The same Robert Downey, Jr., who overcame serious addiction issues, has been a total stand-up guy since his return to the limelight, and has been credibly rumored to be a major contributor to sites outing Hollywood’s serious rape/assault issues? Yeah, real shame that guy slithered his way back...

That is a brave opinion indeed. I like her style -she always looks phenomenal-, although it’s not very “First Lady”. You know, national designers over foreign brand names, appropriate to the occasion and such. The amount of hate she gets for it though is ridiculous.

WHy do I know this... the company behind Kylie’s is seed beauty. They only manufacture for Kylie, kkw, and colourpop. Kendo formulates fenty. To my knowledge none of the three companies that seed beauty develops for has had face products ( foundation, concealer...) before this winter/ fall

MMMM I’m not a Kylie stan, but I’m quite certain this product was in development before Fenty dropped in October.

MD, I adore you and gobble up your UK updates like limited-edition M&Ms, but Rihanna’s altruistic by offering makeup for women of color and Kylie’s not? L-O-L. They’re both shrewd beauty brands looking to make a shitload of money. Fenty Beauty is just shrewder.

Given the overwhelmingly positive reviews this movie is getting, I’m getting the feeling this is more a review of James Franco than the movie.

We have no clue why Kesha wasn’t included, she might not have wanted to, or maybe she still legally can’t.

I automatically roll my eyes at comments that start with “oh honey;” it’s fucking rude, condescending, and not at all necessary.

Honestly, people like whoever-he-is above are just using this as an opportunity to shit on a woman they just don’t like, because they enjoy shitting on Swift. It’s ugly to watch and it’s such a bad take to try to neg Swift over this.

Never spoke out? She literally testified in public court.

...Here’s a pretty decent reason for her inclusion:

For me, she belongs on the cover because 1) she was one of the few women who actually succeeded in a court of law over a man who assaulted her (and damn, that is NICE in a year where not enough abusers were held accountable; it was a rare victory) and 2) that’s kind of the point; it took an incredibly rich,

I agree. I thought they did an excellent job of balancing the stories and experiences of celebrities, and also regular women (including a lot of women of color). And they highlighted a lot of socioeconomic differences, like pointing out how one of the women pays more in rent per month than another one makes in 2

For the record, Taylor Swift was the OG Kesha supporter. (In her interview, which I strongly encourage you to read, she talks about calling Kesha during her own sexual assault trial.) Taylor gave Kesha $500,000 to pay for her legal team in the midst of a punishing media cycle that saw Sony Music executives portray

How is Terry Crews more of a “movement leader” than Taylor Swift? I’m not sure I would describe Swift as apolitical on this issue, she was very outspoken about her experience.

No, it’s someone who is appalled at how women eat their own, and we have to stop.

Except Swift is a sexual abuser victim, and also won over her abuser in court. I love Farrow, but why the hell does he deserve a place on that cover and not a sexual abuse victim???

Good God, people — quit complaining that Taylor Swift or Person X is on the cover but Terry Crews and Person Y isn’t. Do you not get how that sounds???

I don’t know whether it’s worthwhile to point out again that Time’s person of the year isn’t an honor. It can be, and it has been, and I believe it is this year. But to criticize the fact that Trump made the shortlist is to ignore the fact that the title is given to the person or group who “for better or for worse...