
So you’re taking this seriously? Taylor Swift is a singer and songwriter and musician. There’s no need to list women who are more culturally significant and accomplished. This is the weirdest Jez article ever.

I had a slightly different but equally depressing take on why the allegations against Spacey were taken seriously right away: they were made by a man, and men can be trusted (unlike those lying, gold-digging WHORES)

Roy Moore is getting the harshest review of his fellow politicians, though. Not from the voters in Alabama, but people treated it seriously, and it certainly got more attention than the Conyers allegations. I think Polanski would be treated differently today as well.

“I don’t understand why women wear high heels, I don’t find high heels sexy at all. You should wear flats.”

Joe Scarborough. That Guy in every women’s studies class who has to interrupt and say some version of, “If more women used birth control, the abortion rate would go down!” over and over again.

“This stuff isn’t a left/right issue” <—- EXACTLY.

YUP. I voted for Hillary, I supported Hillary. I will never consider her a feminist as long as she remains married to a serial abuser of women. Bill Clinton has a long record of this kind of abuse of power. His alleged attack on a campaign staffer in the late 80s, early 90s was a fact pattern in my law school

Take from this month-old tweet what you will:

The rich and powerful have many opportunities to have consensual sex (get this!) outside of the workplace. The guys in position of power engaging in this sort of behavior absolutely are getting off on the domination aspect of assaulting subordinates.

That is what stood out to me too. I do think NBC wanted to get ahead of the Variety and Times stories, but if all they wanted to do was beat the stories they would have put him on leave while they investigated. The speed and severity of the sanction tell me it was severe conduct and well documented.

A tearful Savannah Guthrie

About time.

Fortunately or unfortunately, I suspect that the easiest way to make sure this is widely and properly publicly accepted will be to revisit the Clinton / Lewinsky debacle much more emphatically.

The thing that stood out to me is that whomever put together this statement must have documented the shit out of this. To turn it in on Monday and have him out by Wednesday says there’s a paper trail. It sucks that the onus is on the people who’ve been harassed; document every detail and maybe people will believe you.

I wish all the idiots whining on Twitter were reading the stories. It seems clear that NBC has known Lauer was a skeezebag for years and was ignoring it. Now the tide has turned and it’s no longer good for their bottom line to keep him on so they’re dumping him. Be mad at NBC because they tacitly approved of this shit

So NBC News spiking Ronan Farrow’s Weinstein story starts to make a lot more sense....

Friendly reminder, relationships between superiors and subordinates are presumptively coercive!

I would have to assume that NBC had plenty of evidence, even if it’s circumstantial, to make this move. Social media seems to be full of people deriding NBC and siding with Lauer because he’s “guilty before proven innocent”. It wouldn’t be a stretch for them to have known about rumblings and, given the current climate

Oh god LW1.... The combination of you having zero relationship experience at 24, along with some exaggerated fantasy of your relationship with this guy, is creating some major non-existent drama in your head. You are friends with this guy and that’s it. On your end, you may be crushing. And he maybe is keeping you on