
Because he was 15 when it happened, he is 46 now and he hasn’t done anything like it in between. Also, he got arrested for it, it’s not like he got away with it. He’s not getting a pass, it’s just time to fucking get over it. And for what it’s worth, that is exactly what you do as a teenager gang member in the 80s in

You’re right that it’s a hard question. Like maybe not for some, and that’s totally fine. And you’re right that he 1) served his time and has not reoffended since his youth (during which he had multiple violent and racist offenses), and 2) doesn’t seem particularly remorseful, at least publicly.

If we have to hate every musician or actor that beat up someone, we wouldn’t have many left. and I like Snoop Dog, Ice T & Cube, Lil Wayne, Charlize Theron, and quite a few other people. plus maybe its just the bleeding heart liberal in me, but maybe ruining a guy’s life for something they did as a teenage gang member

Wow a couple people got really salty that you brought in a primary source lol.

That is completely untrue. The fact is there was a custody agreement worked out that was all ready to sign, and then the abuse concerns came up.

That’s not what happened at all. The DA judged that Dylan was too fragile to testify in a criminal trial, not that she’d been coached by Mia. The judge presiding over the custody case unambiguously came down on the side of the Farrows. There were corroborating witnesses as well to Woody’s frequent inappropriate

I understand why you may have come away with this impression based on the media coverage at the time, which was clearly sensationalized and pretty much constantly warped the truth, but if you can at least try to clear all the media BS from your mind and just focus on the facts, there’s not nearly as much ambiguity as

In the end investigators found Dylan had been coached by Mia.

The thing is, if I don’t like the way my kid acts, it’s my job to consider a bunch of things, like did I put her in a position or situation that she shouldn’t be expected to handle or is developmentally inappropriate? Have I pointed out how her behavior affects other people? Have I modeled good behavior myself? If I

That isn’t the entire truth, though. Amazingly, Allen brought a custody suit against Farrow, which went to the NY Supreme Court. The judge, in his decision, stated that there was “no credible evidence” that Farrow coached Dylan, or that she was motivated by revenge. He stated that it was unlikely that Allen could be

Well, yeah, but they’re that way because you as a parent haven’t taught them any better.

Is this going to be a quality not quantity boycott? Because one time at the nail salon “Only You” came on and I couldn’t believe how vapid and insulting this movie was to women and it was written by a woman. I know that movie is like 20 years old but in a time where 50 Shades is a huge thing I still have questions. I

Exactly. Buddhism is a polytheistic religion, but the main thing about Islam is that there is only one God. The biggest sin you could commit would be believing in Gods other than Allah. I really don’t think they want her tourist ass in their Mosque. She doesn’t seem to know or understand much about the religions she’s

Violating the beliefs of a religion by cherry picking the practices you participate in is inherently disrespectful.

I had serious eye-roll for the “spiritual tourism” stuff in her statement, but just in the “hipstery” doucheyness of it. Everyone has to try out beliefe systems to see what fits, and broadening our minds by visiting other cultures is a serious benefit to building empathy. She just says it in a “look at my

Blake Lively already had a presence by the time the show aired, though. In contrast, I feel that Blair’s plot lines grew much more thoughtful and actually began to take precedence over Serena’s in no small part because of Leighton Meester. Blair’s character grew alongside Chuck’s whereas Serena’s plots were more or

No, he didn’t think she’d cave. Didn’t care if she did either. They’re very set in their ways. If the church has a garden they might go marry you there but that’s just because it’s church property.

This struck me as well. She’s basically using religious tourism/voyeurism (which is offensive as it is: if you want to sample other religions, that’s fine, I suppose, but don’t act like your glancing interaction with others’ deeply-held rituals has given you some sort of insight) as a shield for her purported

Somehow, Jada Pinkett-Smith’s statement is actually more insufferable. She’s trying on religions to seem worldly and open/accepting.

Animals? Well 1000 people drowned in the Mediterranean this week and how many freaked out about that? I loved the magnificent creature that was Harambe but the outrage really distracts from a lot of more uncomfortable truths about humans. C’est la vie. People just do people things.