
You don’t have to be charged with a crime to be sued by the government; and there’s certainly nothing “random” about’s not like a perfectly law-abiding citizen getting a $300k bill for no reason.

No, the lesson here is to always take it case by case. It means you believe and support a person who appears to be a victim of a crime, but you verify the facts before castigating (through countless articles and social media posts) an entire group of people because of who they voted for in 2016 because that victim

I totally get why people do not trust CPD (as a former Chicagoan I don’t trust the CPD) but the thing is this was a very high profile incident from the jump (as compared to others, which became famous later). This was a big deal for Chicago on the national scene and CPD knew they would be under the national spotlight

All I need is for folks in general to stop claiming the outcome of this case will determine whether or not people will be able to believe what Black Queer folks tell them more often. If they literally need one instance of a person even possibly falsifying a story about a hate crime to determine whether or not they can

I have nothin but love for this entire community. But lets be real here.

If you’re your kid’s friend, then you’re not doing your job, which is to be their parent. Being their friend is somebody else’s job. Get your own friends (not you, specifically, but the people who say this).

What does the gender of friends have to do with this? Where did I say this was true? What is your disease? Help me understand. You’re being very defensive here, let’s clam down and talk about it.

And I did not make an awful lot of assumptions, I reached an assumption using critical thinking. You said your husband and,

This. I don’t have kids and have many friends who do, and usually end up going to their place because it’s easier. But when we do plan to meet somewhere else, and we’ve established no kids, don’t be that asshole and bring your kids. I’d rather cancel, re-schedule, etc.

This comment takes an amazing left turn at the end. 

Wait, why couldn’t they have just left both the husbands and kids at home together?

I had a friend who would bring her kid with her everywhere. I would make plans to meet only her at a local bar, go do whatever(even kid-friendly things), and she would show up with her kid(a real brat that throws tantrums constantly), despite her husband being at home and doing nothing. I do not have kids and I really

Ok, so I’m not sure if you’re trolling or not, but you seem to have 2 issues:

Well, I went with that because you said”If I’m going away for a weekend, I am going to bring my husband” so that’s what I responded to. It could be with the girls or with whomever, I may have made an assumption there, but it seemed a reasonable one given the context I took from your comment.

A variation of this goes for babies and kids. If you can’t get a sitter for them, that’s fine, just let me know in advance. But it is really difficult being the non-parent friend and try to maintain that friendship, when I expect to have a conversation with someone who is distracted the whole time, or we need to pick

I haven’t had always decent roommate experiences. Having a roommate sit-down at the beginning of the lease where you all hammer out the details, and re-visit as needed, keeps everyone from getting resentful. So here’s a small subset of the crazy...

Don’t bring your girlfriends to a bachelor party either like my two brothers did to mine. It was barely a bachelor party anyway, just some bar hopping and Top Golf after the rehearsal dinner.

Okay, that’s not a bad point; forget about that example, then. I just meant that as soon as the information was shared, the story became about more than the information itself and the information couldn’t have been contained at that point anyhow.

Again, I get that none of this is in any way her doing, and I get that it’s massively unfair to her, and I agree that it’s no one’s business who else might have been abused by Dr. Luke unless those people come forward of their own accord. I think it was wrong for The Blast to publish the contents of these documents,

No one says she wasn’t an adult. The argument is that there is a vast power imbalance and it is disingenous to ignore that fact.

No one can be “equally culpable” with the President of the United States in anything at all.