
I am a bit steamed to see my boss quoted here as "Ms. Murphy." You rail on about the evil patriarchy and then do one of the most sexist thing by stripping my boss of her actual title Dr. or Prof. She has earned this distinction.
Also, the worms are hermaphrodites, but the male sperm out compete the hermaphrodite sperm


Siri has a male voice in the UK. Just sayin'.

Multiple concerns with your response Firewing.

I think the problem is that healthy people see his stuff for the manipulative bullshit it really is, but people with boundary issues can get sucked in and abused.

But his methods are really insulting to women. I think there is some good stuff in there about reading body language, but since the tactics are inherently manipulative, they are scary. Sounds like you took (or believe you took) good messages from him, but that doesn't mean that as the recipients of this sort of

Don't worry. Subscribers to "The Rules" and the PUA tomes can happily antagonize one another for the rest of their lives and leave the rest of us nice people to get on with things.

I hate this excuse, and it is mainly because my girl friends use it. They complain about not having friends in the tiny town they live in, or not having a boyfriend. I ask them what they are doing about it, and their reply is always nothing.

So, I went to the University of Miami. My sophomore year, 3 friends and I still lived in the dorms on campus, and on one low key weeknight we went out to the local watering hole-area that is better known as Coconut Grove. Outside one of the many divey-establishments, we were sitting on a large glider-chair that are

I recommend everyone read The Game. Why? Because I guarantee you will eventually run into a guy, or multiple guys, who use the "techniques" verbatim, and it is hilarious to call them out on it.

My advice would be to skip silly manuals. It's your life, and you want someone you can be yourself with. You shouldn't have to try too hard or attempt to be someone you think you should be, in my opinion. You'll be most confident when you are being yourself, talking about things you are passionate about. Think

Two2TARDIS, I took that as a joke. It was a classic "neg."

Wow, biteofpythias. I now feel mysteriously drawn to you. There was something so hot about that comment.

The best part of this is when they lumber ungainly toward these women and ultimately crash and burn, who gets blamed? HER. "She's a stuck-up bitch. Probably a lesbian anyway. I obviously don't make enough money for that gold-digging whore." They then proceed to make this their mantra for every single woman who rejects

That's assuming there aren't a bunch of awkward, shy women out there. Some women just want a guy to talk to them and find the cocky, self-assured man intimidating and threatening. Hey, guess what? Even good looking, engaging women get shot down. That adage that a woman could get laid whenever she wants is only true if

You know, I think that the whole problem here stems from unattractive, socially awkward men who are only interested in women who are out of their league. When you tell them "make friends with women and a friendship may turn into something more," they hear that as "suck up to conventionally attractive women who have

When done right, they can hide how much effort they're putting into it to a considerable extent. It's sort of like the Italian Renaissance sprezzatura - trying very hard to be impressive while giving an air of nonchalance.

Can you imagine if he tried to "neg" you? "Dude...have you looked at your hat?"

Right. The main thing is having the boldness to engage women socially. If they don't like approaching strangers in bars, like me, they should join clubs, visit other venues, network with friends, and the like. If they throw themselves out there, learn who they are, and try to be decent to others, they'll find someone.

IDK about you but any guy with the audacity to try and pick me up while wearing aviator goggles....I think I would be a bit intrigued, "Is this guy crazy or just very unique?" I would have to delve further.