Yes, clearly it’s opening their legs that’s miraculously causing pregnancy; the man nearby had absolutely nothing to do with it.
Yes, clearly it’s opening their legs that’s miraculously causing pregnancy; the man nearby had absolutely nothing to do with it.
He bounced back because he exploited US bankruptcy laws; he’s partly to blame for why we’re in “terrible financial debt,” and has no ability to bail anyone out.
Where can I get that shirt? I must have it.
Probably because white men have achieved more in history than any thanks to the unacknowledged and unpaid labor of every other race or and gender combined.
EVEN IF the vaccines caused autism (which duh, of course they don’t), in what world is your child being autistic WORSE than your child being DEAD because you didn’t give them a life-saving treatment?!
That needs way more stars/to be out of the greys.
I love Burt’s Bees, but a bunch of the sticks lately have had some flaw in the tube right by where the stuff comes out (a small bit of plastic sticking up, prob from the manufacturing process) that scratches me if I’m not super careful. :(
Don’t sully the banjo with that ridiculous comparison.
Looks more like she’s playing janky air fiddle or something.
“and return the United States to white rule”
5. Allow a two-thirds majority of the States to override a U.S. Supreme Court decision.
People do ask each other out, although I’ve not been asked out casually like in line at a store; it’s mostly been someone I’ve had repeated interactions with, like through a class or regular volunteer work.
If Carson had kept his mouth shut about his crazy views and ignorance on pretty much anything not directly related to neurosurgery, he’d probably still be the frontrunner (and still holds a surprisingly large percentage as of the last polling figures I saw), for that reason.
Honestly, that might be a plus for them, though—they can pat themselves on the back for “not being racist” while still supporting a candidate that has the same xenophobic/racist views that they do. (We are talking about people who think people voted for Obama only because he’s black, and that women will all vote for…
“I realized that if he was that comfortable with what happened, it must have happened before, and it was going to happen again.”
Oh my god WHAT IF HE IS?!
That may have been subversive, though? For centuries, women on the stage were equated with prostitutes (although I think by that time, it was on its way out/there were also some serious/well-respected actresses too?)
What kind of loser cheats at golf? You’re (for the most part) just playing against yourself anyway...
God, that’s worse than the attorney at my last job that used to throw orange peels on the floor when there was a trash can less than a foot away from him. This was in a temporary office space that had no custodial staff, so the secretaries would have to clean up his garbage for him every night after he left. :(
wait, when did he piss in a trash can?!