
Fat Dracula admits nothing.

As a lifelong Southern Californian, I can solidly state that there are many shades of green that could not truthfully be called verdant. Verdish, maybe. Verdoid. Verdesque.

there is a very good chance that either the Zodiac Killer or a botoxed Garfield the Cat impersonator might end up being the next leader of the free world.

just sayin’

I don’t even think he necessarily wants to fuck her, BUT he definitely wants the world to think that he COULD fuck a woman like that.

I think it’ll come down to who gets under who’s skin first and Hillary might have the thickest skin in DC. Trump, meanwhile, is sensitive about his short fingers. It also sounds like Obama and Bill are going to be the ones firing the big guns and freeing up Hillary to concentrate on being positive. Frankly, I can see

he has a crush on her... seen this a thousand times... he probably rides his bike past her house like 20 or 30 times every saturday

I’m very curious to see how that’s going to play out - she needs to stay above the fray while at the same time hitting him hard on his lack of coherent policies and his fascistic tendencies.

“She thinks you’re shit. And deep down, you know she’s right.”

ITA. She fries his brain because she dresses and is marketed as a man-pleasing tart, but then she doesn’t play the game. It’s a bait-n-switch. He feels the outrage of having been swindled.

She called him out, on national television, and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about. His usual boorish behavior backfired. She bruised his ego unlike no other. His inability to let it go is so revealing in that he is so obviously attracted to her, but he can never have her. Outside of doing her job, she would

Exactly! I think - because of the way she looks - he had the expectation that she would behave like a fawning, eager-to-please beauty pageant contestant whose success and public existence is in some fundamental sense utterly dependent on his (r.e. male) approval. But it turns out, she’s not a dumb, obsequious blonde

Because he wants to fuck her, that’s why. He cannot abide the fact that she sees right through all of his bullshit and isn’t at all swayed by his money or his sweaty orange face. He wants to fuck her and she’s all “HARD PASS, LOL.” Trump cannot handle it, and copes by calling her “crazy” and “sick.”

Instead of a madonna/whore dichotomy, I think Trump employs a fat pig/bimbo dichotomy. Kelly is not fat or ugly, and she’s not a bimbo because she keeps challenging him. At first, he was pissed that she was given permission to do so, but now that it’s clear FOX isn’t going to hide her away to appease him, she is now

Totally. I’m fairly confident that if you went to Labrie before his trial and asked him if he thought rape was wrong, he would have said it was. I’m also fairly confident that Labrie had no idea that his actions could be considered rape and that he was shocked and bewildered by the fact that he was on trial. He

As an identical twin, it annoyed me purely because they seem to be playing up to the stereotypes that are expected of twins - it wears thin after getting the 8,000th time of people asking “do you finish each other’s sentences”, “do you feel each other’s pain”, “can you read each other’s mind” and the gross “twins...

Than learn how to write and express yourself more clearly. Seriously, it’s just awful

There was a girl I knew in college who was a little odd but she was nice. I remember one day, I waved and smiled at her but I saw two girls behind her. One of those girls was mimicking her distinctive walk. The girl kind of stomped. Those two girls were laughing at her behind her back. It was so cruel and childish.

I think this will hurt her more than any other candidate in this particular election as her base is the oldest, but in general, the more people vote, the more likely Democrats win.

Candy and the brand new shag carpeting in their van.