The minute any of them had to have permanent surgery then I will believe they are gay. This just a stikes me as trying to be relevant
The minute any of them had to have permanent surgery then I will believe they are gay. This just a stikes me as trying to be relevant
Sure. I have also sported that fro. I have wished I tanned better. However, I have never sent myself hate mail that tied up police time.
Judging from the comments no one will buy it
Maybe there shouldn’t be a box to tick
Search embryo development as the first x weeks the embryo has both male and female reproductive system. Think about your blood results. There is a normal range. There is a surge of testosterone and the embryo becomes male. No surge and the embryo becomes female. Maybe homosexuality and trans may be an interplay of…
Me too
In Montana? Maybe...there might be 3-4 AA there.
The answer you are looking for is “42”
I can hear them music from austin powers in my head.
I wonder if She needed them. Maybe she was planning for her new life post empty nest
Kids drive you to drink.
How old is he?
Is her surname duggar?
I dated someone calledCaesar because his mother lost two MALE babies during childbirth because the cord wrapped around their neck and the babies died. He was Caesarian born. classic example of this discussion
Every culture has some expression that explains this. I had a Greek friend who said as a translation “he was in his mother’s pants”
Having read a few posts I will weigh in.
What is interesting is the urgent interest in her to the point she considered it harassment, to the point that he hates her so much he want to kill her. He has mental issues.She recognised it. I think all of us have met people who we give a wide berth to because we recognise it.
This is the salient point. You think you live a descent life. I have never been in trouble with the police but I know someone who was murdered and someone who went to gaol for murder. The second one was more disturbing because I voted for him for class captain. How off was my judgement?