
Actually, I guess it depends on "who wears the pants" … and imho, Phillip decided a long time ago that Elizabeth's need for control, to be right, to be in the drivers seat was such that he could either go along with her 95% of the time or the partnership was never going to work productively … This isn't uncommon in

mmm…. no mention that Kubrick had previously worked with the (as-usual-out-of-control) Sellers on Lolita (1962) … Rather like Robin Williams, it was keeping Sellers in check that was the challenge, since he was much more than eager to take a character and run … and run and run ….

Actually, In Elizabeth's QOTU world she may have decided that Phillip's dalliance with Irina was "pay back" for Gabriel (because Phillip has not existence/inner life/history beyond his life as Elizabeth's partner/husband …
To me, I thought she was upset to be reminded that he was an autonomous individual (like his

I really didn't see Elizabeth as angry or threated beyond Phillip doing something outside her knowledge/control .. it wasn't like he might leave her for Irina nor was there any indication P was pining for "what might have been" … oh, yes, and he tried to keep it "secret" … how dare he!!!

We really got little insight into WHAT Martha thinks or feels about any of it … Keeping her alive and happy is much better P.R. (within the KGB and for the agents who run their own moles) than treating her as disposable (like the others).
As we saw with William, IF the story of Phillip lobbying hard to keep Martha

The writers really did Paige no favors … I found myself now irritated by her character who seems to have developed very little — emotionally and/or intellectually — over the past seasons. I feel a certain curiosity about Henry and Matthew … Paige … not really. She's like a jack-in-the-box, right on time, pretty much

The movie achieved massive word-of-mouth as a "trip" … an experience … which boosted it to a certain Legendary Status because it wasn't a movie, man, it was a life/mind altering experience far beyond the cinematic achievement …
It's like "Hair" which was also an "event" and a "groundbreaking" counterculture. Even

I actuallly felt sorry for Paige and realized just how punishing E's demands of her expanded involvement wife Pastor Tim and Wife were … she's still furious that Tim told Mrs. Tim … as you would be too if you were being punished indefinitely in this way … she can't even skip Bible Study when she's still got homework

They (the story) needed him to be unaware of the girls sneaking back into the other movie (Outsiders) in the multiplex … real ushers I've seen have small dustpans-and-brushes with long handles

I really didn't remember Elizabeth being "upset" about Phillip sleeping with Irina, given the "you have a son" revelation … but comparing Martha with Gregory is a nasty — what do I have to throw at this?
— moment — see also comparing Irina with Gregory … It took a few minutes to realize how terribly out of line and

I'd love to see a quick well-done foot-behind-foot backward tripping with DJT suddenly on the ground … oops

yes, that blue carpet meet-up (which I just saw elsewhere) "handshake" was the most unsubtle I've seen since the "never let you go" handshake with Abe in February.

yes, they carried a new battery for my APC — twice Amazon's price, but they cannot be delivered to my PO box and FedEx ($$$$) was the alternative … worked like a charm … my local store in Golden Colorado was staffed by genuinely helpful and knowledgeable people

My local Radio Shack — Golden Colorado — was wonderful, very sorry to see it shuttered — however, my prior experiences at other stores were dismal … recent Best Buy visits have been equally "know nothing" time wasters .. and their prices for items in stock were shocking — almost extortion for the "convenience of

In the last two weeks, I went to my local radio shack after Best Buy and another store did not have what I thought I needed …. not only were there signs announcing no returns, but the cash register tape had run out and no receipts (for those needing work or other reimbursement) could be printed …
I felt sad to feel

absolutely … the man is an idiot … It's simply pointless to continue to pretend otherwise …
Yes, both my 1992 and 2005 Subaru bought used in 2013 were made in — iirc — Indiana, and my 1982 Honda (before that) was also made in the USA …

He talks like a child in lower grade school
""Berlin (AFP) - President Donald Trump launched a salvo against Germany and its car sales in the United States at a meeting Thursday with European Union leaders, German weekly Der Spiegel reported.

I'm guessing that Trump's deliberate snubbing of Merkel and numerous other "awkward" handshakes have been neither forgotten or forgiven. Who would "avoid the whole thing" if they could pay-back-in-kind … teach Trump some manners .. .

Apparently — or so I read — Angela Merkel met the pope without headcovering ….