
Yes, they went full marriage ceremony when just a simple scarf would have plenty "respectful" … It is so clueless to 'respect' the pope after refusing to respect the Saudis …

Edward Gorey (and maybe the Olsen Twins crossed with American Gothic for Melania and Ivanka) … I bet "down time" at the hotel (or Air Force One) must be a laugh-riot …. oh, and Manchester … Trump is doing his Gump impression (again)

Not surprised … she was but we knew Vasili was running the place from a prior episode …

I thought it had a serious This is Spinal Tap vibe …. Harry Shearer character aka Derek Smalls

Worse, in context, was her asking Phillip who wore the pants in the family of Clark and Martha …. I really hope she doesn't repeat that line of goading … (I half expected him to belt her)

yes, much deeper and nuanced …

yes, I'm afraid he's "about to blow up"

yes, I was massively impressed by his posture and body language … from fairly uptight Phililp and even Clark, to this much looser, cooler hip-guy in his black leather jacket and fancy car … and ability to get things like fake ID and much much better pot — that doesn't smell like pizza.
I do wonder what he'll do when

I suspect their early sex life — as a couple — must have been a challenge given how rigid and undemonstrative she remains — all business/mission all the time …

Thing is, I don't think that before the "rough sex like with Martha" Elizabeth ever really considered Phillip's feelings or expression of his sexuality outside their relationship … believing that it was **all** a repulsive duty or an expression of dominance, since the latter seems to be how she approaches her

I've known a few women married to movie-star-handsome men who found the process exhausting — the vague looks of disbelief that they had married Adonis (and it got worse if the gorgeous hubby was a big-time $$$ success) … sort of unwritten assumption that either he married her before he grew into his looks or that he'd

I haven't seen Ruiz … will correct that …
Christmas Tale is an amazing and — dare I say it? - profound movie, imho, the layers and character development (particularly of the younger siblings and their lives). My brothers - older and younger are 16 years apart in age, while I'm 6 years older than the one and 10 years

He's not always attractive, but most people (even attractive people) aren't always radiant. I think he's "compelling" and attractive both for his sense of inner life (he has thoughts!!!) and firing on all cylinders (he seems very observant and appreciative) … and he has a rumpled everyman quality … (Truly you should

and usually some remarkable intimacy … something usually poorly simulated these days (or not attempted at all). The hilarious smoking outdoors at night scene with Amalric and Deneuve in Christmas Tale … such a light touch .. so fresh.

yes, Apple really dodged a bullet on that one …. seriously …

and Connery Scottish, and The Spy who came in from the Cold, Burton, a Welchman.

Watched this yesterday — It's delightful with a ravishing, compelling soundtrack … a genuine treat that took me completely out of the madcap frenzy of current events, including today's French election results. I wish I'd taped/DVR'd it.

Pimping his trademark? I think that's a no-no.

Has Saturday Night Live already done a Team Obama versus Team Trump family feud?

Where's KellyAnne these days?
Yes, I also was impressed by his "I don't think we should fake it" wrt to the WH Correspondents Dinner — as If his opinion — on anything — was worth mention … he's a very very slow learner, in fact, likely hopeless