
I have to admit that I would never (ever ever) purchase those books based on those covers…. just never ever … and I'd probably put a book cover on them if otherwise I got them (loan, library)…
They remind me of "The Lovely Bones" creepiness

If they appear at all … see also the local police, who are often corrupt or corrupted … take your pick … I was mostly thinking of the rose-colored glasses, vaseline smeared lenses of some of the romance of "a life of crime"

yes, but, see also any number of mafia / drug smuggling movies … those suitcases of cash don't make up for the company you keep or your new actuarials …

On the other hand, in the olden days (and probably currently as well if Trump is any indication) this sort of behaviour by men has to do with THEM … center of the universe and their readers' concerns — —- assuring their readers and anyone they've ever met or will ever meet of their high-testosterone, ready-to-fuck,

The objectification and criticism is unending, intense and profoundly shallow … see the to-do over Emma Watson showing a bit of cleavage in her Vanity Fair spread and having her avowed "feminism" challenged, questioned, even mocked. I was really surprised when I looked up the picture/spread (made ya look!! I win!!!)

It's that same Mouseketeer skeevy vibe that Britteny Spears (and others) have suffered from ….

There's a long piece, imho related, over at Slate wrt why the "public" won't let Natalie Portman "grow up" … I'm guessing that women are quite happy to let Natalie play Jackie Kennedy and other grown-ups, but the men are fixated on her 14-year-old bad-azz self.

The focus of the excerpts (at least) is his reaction to her … how her looks and demeanor and behavior make-him-feel … as if she were not otherwise more than worthy of an informative interview on her own merits, to hear her speak in her own voice about she's thinking, her experience, even her next movie … rather than

The thought occurred to me that he may be trying — outlandish as it seems — to suggest some false equivalency between the absence of evidence to HIS claims and the paucity of evidence wrt to the Russian hacking claims … Since his own party has turned his back on HIS claims, his actions are of the "loose cannon"

One advantage she has, she can leave … which is much better than having to host Trump as a guest …

Her expression in the video as he sulks is ** priceless ** … she is both incredulous and amused … definitely the grown-up in the room, waiting on him to complete his "time-out"

If Trump is shown to have Russian investments, it will show that Trump lied when he denied having any … but it's a big IF still be to tackled …
Russians buying Trump real estate in straight-forward cash transactions really doesn't cut it.
There are a lot of American and transnational corporations with American

my point is that interest would have been enormous, even with the downplayed more realistic presentation of what these leaked 2-pages "revealed" … people seem to think that the tax returns — no matter how old — are some "magic thing" that will quickly result in Trump's indictment and/or impeachment and he will be

Trump outright lied in his tweet about Johnston … whom he called at his home in April 2016 to threaten to sue him ……

It really was a blown opportunity to explain to viewers that uncovering Trump's "vast empire" and "Russian ties" is going to take a lot of work, examination of documents that will likely ** only be suggested ** by copies of the complete Tax returns (with those critical sources of income) and that that further

I assumed she was the wife because if she had been an employee (like a sitter or minder), she would have looked much more upset — anticipating being "talked to" or even getting fired. That woman — the wife — was amazingly graceful and calm in dealing with a situation that could easily have escalated to wails from the

so cute, so awesome to see a child so mischievous and so confident … apparently, the husband skypes his parents often from his office and the children often join in …. so they may have "barged in" to see grandparents.

I couldn't figure out what was so striking about the video … but then realized that it was the lack of tension/fear … the husband was not seething, the children were absolutely fearless around their father (full well knowing that they were interrupting "something") and even the wife — busily scooping up her two young

my guess would be to minimize the vibration traveling beyond her forearms, to avoid dislodging the various adhesives used to keep her dress properly positioned (avoiding a wardrobe malfunction)

I think she has some awareness, between her eldest daughter and her mocking twins and her concerned (inadequate husband) and her eye-rolling neighbors, that just maybe she's turned into an uptight and judgmental someone she never intended to be. That does happen to people. I think it just flickers on the periphery of