
I'm curious about Madeleine back story since her first husband and yoga-teacher second wife seem to be living a much more down-scale laid-back life as well as her (M's) apparent quick identification with and adoption of working-class Jane …
My impression is that Madeline may have re-married "very well" but extreme

No, not Amabella, I meant that these are very privileged and "sophisticated" children … as Madeleine's daughter made clear in that very brief moment in the car with Ziggy, where she was being friendly, name-checking her consumer brand favorites against his… It may turn out (I hope not) that Ziggy is an Aspie or

I think it also meant that even men might be willing to (let the women of the house) watch because the female leads were so attractive …. I'm just glad to see a new show with a minimum of violence since I often simply cannot watch much of what is "popular" (even when I try really hard … I end up bailing) and I have

By my reckoning, it was only 45 minutes long, but I agree that it felt a bit "stretched" … but not knowing the story, it may have been a necessary story-break point.

Madeleine's pent-up frustration at being "just a housewife" particularly with the quickly passed-over business about the petition about the play (her outlet) might have made for an obvious "she's just jealous" … but it was handled infinitely better than that, because Madeleine isn't even ready to admit just how bored

It's also possible for a 6 year old to have picked up the various "tells" that surround someone of different socioeconomic status or simply "new" (and relatively poor)… as in the car when the daughter asked Ziggy what music he listened to … she assumed "Bowie" (dig) and he looked blank, too young for those sorts of

showing my age, I kept being reminded of the send-up of Marin County culture in "The Serial" … a funnier book than the movie but mining the same vein.

I think the winning feature of this production is its restraint. They had the awareness to only tread on the borders of the cliches and stereotypes without invading the usual flower beds of conspicuous consumption, needless archness and bitchiness that would have made the characters (easily) unlikeable. Instead, I

I was thinking that these women's lives are series of theatrical entrances (arrivals) and then of course theatrical departures, facilitated by their kids as props and raison d'etre. Their gorgeous homes are their pit stops and base camps and changing rooms. There's the "mom's taxi service", "I'm just a chauffeur to

Harold and Maude has aged better than I would have expected and deserves a re-viewing every 20 years (at least) … it's very much not the same movie when you're 20 as when you're 40 or 60 years of age … like genuine classics, David Copperfield comes to mind, it actually grows with you, and I think it gets funnier and

Gregory Peck and "that kiss" — stunning, breath-taking ….

at least three of the women are service type employees of the older successful men … one didn't even speak English (trulove4ever)… where the end of the relationship = end of job … it's a fairly significant indication that this was written by a man … Kiera Knightly is stalked by her new husband's adoring BFF and the

I have a soft spot for Dodsworth (1937) … remarkable portrait of a marriage

Private Lives (Robert Montgomery/Norma Shearer in Noel Coward), Bringing Up Baby, Holiday, Summertime (Hepburn/Brazzi), oh and Now Voyager

most of the women have very little agency, it's mostly all about the men

I thought "Breaking the Waves" was terribly romantic in an old fashioned Song of Bernadette way … until I was informed it had been judged a crime against all women …. that should never be mentioned again ….

you're weird to think it's romantic, but it's definitely a great movie

Pride and Prejudice (the original 6 hour version)
Room with a View
Indiscreet (Cary Grant / Ingrid Bergman again)
Philadelphia Story

Actually, having the awards ceremony and live performances in a private venue and then broadcasting the "highlights", tributes, live performances, etc. might "save" it … The faux dramas of about who was/wasn't nominated, selected to win and whether things will "get political" and/or if Kanye will rush the stage have

The whole quasi-religiosity / black girl magic aspect bugs me …. it reminds me of various other quasi-religious scams, involving "magic" potions and "positive imagery, incantations and likely candles — (and other authorized merchandise for sale on the official web site, currently under construction).
It makes the