
Duh. There was a time when he hired “older” actors.

This creep pursues the young ones, doesn’t he?

Classy. Respectful. Just like I like my elected officials.

Treat yourself to Edy’s Churned varieties rather than this stuff - it tastes of chemicals and has a very un-ice cream like mouth feel.

It’s gross and doesn’t melt properly (i.e., like ice cream) so no thanks.

Dude always look like he was in a fight yesterday.

I wish she could read New Yorker articles to me every night.

Like Jared, she’s got too much on her plate to be effective at any of it.

Usually the reason a retail establishment does not have a bathroom is due to its small-ish size and/or access to a public restroom nearby. Local ordinances usually prescribe how many feet away a public restroom may be to exempt you from having one in your store.

One piece of good news today.

I am uncomfortable that we know this. It’s none of our business.

Granny Clampett.

I wonder what it feels like to voluntarily humiliate yourself this way. I’m embarrassed for all of them.

I should have clarified that I am not speaking specifically about this young woman but about 19 yo adultsgenerally. Her mother does not sound like a great parent

Very true - I have one of each!

And Abby was married before, so...

Rolled my eyes so hard I have a headache.

I should have clarified that I am not speaking specifically about this young woman but about 19 yo “adults” generally. Her mother does not sound like a great parent.

“Legally adult” is different than acting like one. Speaking as a parent whose 22 year old still needs guidance to avoid questionable choices.

Thanks for taking one for the team. I’ve tried to watch Fox News now and then to see how/if they are covering all of the Trump scandals and did not last long, either because I could not tolerate the hypocrisy or they weren’t covering them!