
If he voted for 45 my crush is dead.

Don’t make me turn on Ben.

I can’t with this crew. They’re all trying so hard to be “characters”.

Add Garcelle’s friends.  They seemed a lot more interesting than any of the current bunch.

This photo popped up on Twitter and I about jumped out of my chair. 

Exact same weave as Kim Gargoyle!

Man, I am sorry you’ve had to live with these 2 tragic events at such a young age. I can’t disagree with you on your main point. The children I mentioned in my post were in the 8-14 age range, so somewhat more vulnerable to their mother’s lies.  

I don’t think that’s fair - I have friends who went through a years-long messy, expensive divorce and the things Mom told the kids about Dad were horrendous and false. Years later, as young adults, they told Dad about those things and managed (somehow) to restore their relationship. But it wasn’t without years of

Partying in the Hamptons with all of the other east coast elites...I wish his father’s gullible supporters could see that. 

How did those rowing pictures ever convince a coach those girls could row?

None. She’s a pilates gal all the way. 

The coiffure gives the poodle such an air of sophistication and aloofness when in real life they are pretty fun, active, friendly and smart dogs.

So this foot situation did not crop up overnight. What prompted the visit? Did he outgrow his last pair of Crocs?

I know I’m not his target customer but Kanye’s design aesthetic is so drab and depressing I can’t fathom why anyone would buy his overpriced stuff. 

Same - do not see Charlize in that face at ALL.

They’re GD slippery too - not easy to perch on the front portion of the chair without sliding to the even more uncomfortable rear portion.

Don’t shop at Walmart.

Don’t shop at Walmart.

There is nothing birthday festive about a Handmaids Tale-themed party.  Nothing. One short step above a Chernobyl party...

Don Jr is unarmed in this battle of wits. Just don’t’d never recover from the ass whooping.

Olivia Jade isn’t going to be taking organic chemistry - I’m thinking she’s majoring in communications...