Susannah Dean's New Phone

Safety in numbers is particularly true for boating. I live in the land of 10,000 lakes and there are accidents all summer. Alcohol is often a factor.

Even good swimmers can drown. Last month we had a local 18yo boy drown in a small calm lake when canoeing and he was a lifeguard. The fact neither Naya nor the local boy were wearing their life vests also contributed.

Multiple people have drowned there. There’s a lot of underwater debris in that lake— downed trees and such. And the water is shockingly cold year-round. Even if she jumped in feet-first, she may have gotten caught up in debris and was unable to swim to the surface. Add the cold water temp and the odds are really

My mom died when I was 4 too. She used to pass out in her own vomit (I guess the combo of chemo and meds?). My parents were separated at the time and sometimes this would happen when I was in the house with her. I would find her and since I was three at the time, I guess I didn’t really know what to do so I would just

It could have been a medical condition, she could have been drinking, she could have gone in headfirst and hit her head, she could have gotten tangled in underwater debris, the water could’ve been too cold and she went into shock, the water could’ve been too hot and she got overheated, she could’ve been underwater and

I was thinking this exact thing. First of all, kudos to Naya for taking her own son on outings (most celebs will not leave the house without a nanny), props to all the amazing single moms out there.

That was my shock on Twitter too. The stans combined with the lack of reality about water searches ie: “Why did you suspend the search overnight?” “Why’s it a recovery after less than 24 hours in the water?” Also those convinced foul play involving the boat rental employee simply because he/she was the last person to

Treat her like Lea Michele? Like wave, and say “bye, bitch”?

There are so many comments like this. I saw a petition. 🙄 Ya, missing poc are a real issue, but they have no understanding of how search and rescue missions work.

My mom died tragically when I was 4 and I remember it all so vividly. I remember her wasting away those last few months too. Unfortunately he will likely remember this and my heart breaks for him. I’m in my late 30s and just talking about it is so heavy even now. I wish him luck.

Never go alone. So many easy to prevent accidents happen because people go alone. having a 4 year old does not count and is even more of a reason not to go a lone. This happens often at the lake near our house. I think we had one July 4th where someone didn’t drown and it was record. Usually we get a death before and

Are you guys serious with these comments?

Have fun in the water! Just wear your life vest. I saw a report that her son was wearing his, but they found Nayas in the boat. SO sad

This is so sad. I grew up on the water/with boats and this is unfortunately a really common kind of boating accident. If she fell and hit her head or anything her child wouldn’t have been able to do anything to help her. This happens a fair amount in boating, adults will get lost in the water and kids will be alone on

Yep, we are going with friends this weekend and again at the end of the month. Pontoons are great for social distancing because they are so large. We were going to buy a tube to contribute to the water fun times, but now I think we will just focus on staying in the boat unless it is docked at a beach or sand bar.

This is fucking devastating, and punches me in the gut as someone who grew up on a lake and saw my fair share of accidents. I hope that they have trained child psychologists who can gently and effectively question her son to get a few more details. Did she dive in the water head first? Could have hit her head and

Yes, many pontoons have ladders on the back. If it’s a rental for recreation (swimming, etc.) it would definitely have a ladder. Toddlers can usually climb up them if they’re able-bodied and big enough. Presumably, the child had a life vest on as well, which would make it pretty easy to float over.

Some pontoon boats have ladders out back that go directly into the water. A rental designed for people to relax out in the reservoir would probably be equipped with one. 

Apparently it is racist to suspend a body recovery search because of darkness:

Just devastating. I can’t imagine what her son was feeling out there by himself. Really hoping she’s found, as unlikely as that looks now. Also, was the set of Glee fucking cursed?