
I'm sure many major markets had Fox on VHF. San Francisco had Channel 2, LA had channel 11, and Seattle had channel 13.

Being the husband of a surrogate, I know there were MAJOR issues with this story. The surrogate would not have been a college student, would have successfully given birth before, would not have been permitted to be sexually active with anyone who wasn't screened and tested first (four sex partners, TGW writers?

In Seasons 2 and 3, Diane was arguably the best-written character on TV. This season, the writers have made her internal conflicts more simple and much less meatier. She was still a strong, believable character (especially when she was telling Alicia to stop pouting), but not nearly as compelling to watch as in

In Season 4, episode 10, several weeks after Amy became a series regular, Amy's sexuality was "awakened" by Penny's ex, Zack. (There were involuntary "hoo" sounds involved.) It seems like that was the first domino in Amy's road to sexual awakening. (Actually, it may have been 2 episodes earlier, when the girls had a

In Season 4, episode 10, several weeks after Amy became a series regular, Amy's sexuality was "awakened" by Penny's ex, Zack. (There were involuntary "hoo" sounds involved.) It seems like that was the first domino in Amy's road to sexual awakening. (Actually, it may have been 2 episodes earlier, when the girls had a

As much as I loved Whole Lotta Love last week, that's how much I disliked her performance this week. First of all, I can't stand that song—I think it's treacly and overwrought, the chorus and the verses don't sound like they belong together, and I just couldn't hear her voice over my brain screaming OH GOD WHY ARE YOU

WTF, Tasha. I freaking LOVED The Mouse and the Motorcycle when I was 6. And my son loved it when he was 6 too. I remember wishing that the magic of just making the vehicle sounds would get the toy cars to drive themselves… jeez that would have been AWESOME. You can take your doll named Chevrolet; I'll read about Ralph

I'm too distracted by the way her necklaces dip between her boobs. But I swear I'll pay attention next time.

I think you need to learn the definition of "all-in."

Naw. Fauxmanda can sh my s anytime she wants.

Earlier this season, Alicia and Will had a scene where they were standing up against a wall and obviously having sexytime, but the camera was just on Alicia's face. Having seen Alicia so guarded for 2+ seasons, and then seeing her so, uh, UNguarded in that moment was so, so, so—what's the right word: sexy? fantastic?

Yep, go buy the DVDs (or stream it or whatever). For sitting on my ass watching TV, it was time well spent.

My theory: he's Conrad's illegitimate son, mad at Daniel for having all the things he doesn't, and therefore bent on ruining his life. Gives it a King Lear vibe.

Obviously he was so taken with ex-President William McKinley that he 1) changed his name to McKinley, and 2) had his fashion sense assassinated by an anarchist.

I used to work for a German company and would endure  the ~12-hour flight from SFO to FRA every 6 weeks. On one trip, I brought 3 novels, thinking it would last me there and back. Unfortunately, I was finished with all 3 halfway through the flight over. I bought a Kindle the day I got back. Yes, it's an inferior

A close second was the Andy Capp analogy.

Paul is actually Barry Gibb.

The worst thing is that R&I could be a really good show if the writing were about 10% better. The characters are interesting and the plots are almost good.

Michael C is going to be making red carpet dresses for famous actresses within 2 years. Any of today's A-list actresses would looking fucking awesome in (almost) any of those clothes he showed off on the runway during the season.

My wife calls Castle "Scooby-Doo for grown-ups."