
Please continue. I read the TBBT posts religiously, and I really like the analysis of the show.

And *I* thought that employing Neil Patrick Harris counted for something.

My biggest issue with the recap is that in all the comments about Xtina's hair, no one mentioned that she had Sally Brown's exact hairstyle. (That Charlie's younger sister, the one in love with Linus.)

S1 was pretty good. It had a couple of excellent moments, and I remember being really impressed with the episode "Company Man" — where we started to see HRG (remember when we called him that?) as a real person and not just a shadowy figure of maybe-evil. That episode narrowed the action to a handful of characters we

"I imagine the list from which the singers are allowed to choose must be, what, 10 songs long?"

I voted for Siobhan this week and have ever since her cover of Paint It Black. I like her voice (both her voices, if Kara is to be believed), and I like her unpredictable style. It's like watching Carrie's WTF outfits from Sex and the City without having to endure the plots. Also, Siobhan is attractive. And crazy.

A coupla weeks ago, it was suggested that BoSox looks like Laura Prepon (from That 70's Show) and Lauren Ambrose (from Six Feet Under). Mmmm. I loves me some Crystal.

Medleys are never good. They wreck the buildup of each of the songs, force awkward segues, and basically just ruin the whole musical experience. Why couldn't they have picked one Beatles song — like A Day In The Life or something else equally meaty — and done the group sing to that?

Tomorrow Never Knows.

I was watching DwtS Monday night, and I thought, "Man, the vocalist is really pitchy. Good thing this isn't American Idol or Simon would go *off*."

Oh, so that's why I'm so uncomfortably attracted to her.

The book really felt like the editor fell asleep at the wheel. I wish I could re-edit it, remove all the snoozy MacBook descriptions, and remove about 50% of the expository introduction. (Well, I suppose there's nothing stopping me, although it would just be for my own personal enrichment.)

If laire gets paid every time Apple hurls invective her way, she will have to swap out that cent sign for another monetary symbol that represents mo' money. I humbly suggest "laire."

@Puzz - The 1996 movie "Fear."