I’d like to at least hear some talk about expelling him from Congress. It’s time to start cracking down on this nonsense.
Breaking now: “Rep. Matt Gaetz, a Republican on the House Oversight Committee, drew swift backlash after sending out a tweet in which he appeared to threaten to release embarrassing details about Michael Cohen’s personal life on the eve of Cohen’s testimony before the panel...Gaetz’s tweet raised red flags among some…
I literally blurted out laughing at "Gregorian ones". I adore your quick witted Mom.
My mom was a guest at a professor’s house. A fellow guest was determined once she saw black faces in her midst to hear an authentic negro spiritual. She excitedly asked my mom if she knew any “chants”. My mom could barely contain herself. From laughing. She replied “Gregorian ones”. My mom was raised Catholic.
do white people ask to touch/pet other white people’s hair, or is it only a black thing?
How DARE these pieces of shit use a photo of Gabby
I’ve also had this happen far too many times for this to be coincidence. I think I am going to start staging conversations on purpose to see what ads I can get to show up.
I live alone and work from home and I would swear there are times I’ve only thought about something and then seen a targeted ad for that very thing on facebook.
I haven’t had this period app experience but there have been times I’ve spoken to a friend about something like deck furniture or even a new potato chip brand and then the next time I've gone on FB there's been an ad for that exact thing. This has happened too much to be coincidence.
A few years ago in a newish development right up the street from me, a couple bought a fairly expensive McMansion. A few weeks later they showed up with a moving van to move into the place, only to find the locks changed. As they tried to get in, two women came to the door asking what they wanted.
This *has* to be true. They have a video of people who knew Smollett buying the implements used in the attack. There is no longer any possibility of Smollett’s version of events to be true. He’s definitively lying! You might as well be agnostic about gravity.
Nahhh. There is NO good excuse for doing something like this, which re-victimizes real victims by making it just that much harder for them to be taken seriously. If he did this, he is a bad human.
I’m just confused as to why he did it. Like, what did he get out of this? Didn’t he think that he’d be found out eventually?
Guys like this are not just terrible for lying about this having happening to them, but destroying the future credibility of others.
This ‘do is very flattering on her (it de-emphasizes the exagerrated lips).
I would like to implore all lurkers out there to consider the Gaga/Cooper pairing before jumping to any conclusions that they are “destined” to be a couple: